
A UDDI registry allows you to describe your business and publish information about the services of that business. You can list categories and identifiers to which the business belongs, which provides additional ways for clients to search your business for particular services. You can supply contact information so that your business can be located easily.

StepsAdding a business

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Right-click the Published Businesses folder and select Add Business.

  3. Follow the Add Business Entity wizard to add a business. See Table 6-3 for a description of the business properties.

StepsDeleting a business

  1. Expand the Publish folder.

  2. Expand the Published Businesses folder.

  3. Right-click the business you want to delete and select Delete.

Table 6-3: Business properties






The name of the published business.


A description of the business.


A unique key that is generated when the business is registered.

Related businesses

The key of any related or similar businesses.


Displays a summary of your selections. Click Finish to create the business, or click Back to change selections.

For each published business, you can add a: