Launch to Simulator

Launch an AppBuilder application in a platform simulator.

AppBuilder allows you to fully test the functionality of your Cordova application for both the iOS and Android platforms by launching the application on a device simulator. Prior to launching your application, you must:
  • If developing on a Mac, set up your Mac environment following the steps in Setting Up the Development Environment > Setting Up the Mac Environment.
    Note: You must have ios-sim installed to allow the Cordova command line to start the iOS simulator on Mac.
  • Set up your Android development environment following the steps in Setting Up the Development Environment > Developing for the Android Platform.
  • Create an AppBuilder project as discussed in Developing Apps with AppBuilder, Developing a SuperList App With AppBuilder, and Developing a Chart App With AppBuilder.
  • Generate a local Cordova project for the native iOS and/or Android platform(s). See Create a Local Cordova Project.
  • If testing an application deployed as a Kapsel application to SAP Mobile Platform Server, you must complete the steps in Create a Local Cordova Project and Deploying a Kapsel App on SAP Mobile Platform.

  1. Open the application you wish to launch.
  2. In the AppBuilder menu, select Deployment > Launch to Simulator. The Launch to Simulator dialog opens:

  3. In the Launch to Simulator dialog, click the checkbox(es) to select for which platform(s) to launch your application, and click Confirm. Upon successful launch, your application will appear in the appropriate platform simulator(s):
    Example of application launched in iOS Simulator:
    Example of application launched in Android simulator:
  4. Test the functionality of your application within the simulator, using your mouse to simulate touch- and key-actions.
Related tasks
Create a Local Cordova Project
Deploying a Kapsel App on SAP Mobile Platform Server
Related reference
Setting Up the Development Environment