Task Flow

Use this tutorial to develop an Android device application using replication-based synchronization and custom coding. Test the application on an emulator.

Eclipse tutorials
Task Goals Steps required to complete the task
Getting Started
  • Install all required Unwired WorkSpace components and external resources.
  • Start Unwired Server and other platform services, if not already started.
  • Open the Mobile Development perspective, and become familiar with the views of the perspective, and the Mobile Application Diagram.
Note: These steps are prerequisites for the rest of this tutorial. You need to perform them only once.
Developing Database Mobile Business Objects
  • Create a mobile application project and a connection to the database.
  • Create a mobile business object and deploy it to Unwired Server.
Complete the Tutorial: Mobile Business Object Development.
Note: This tutorial is a prerequisite for the remaining steps. You need to perform it only once.
Developing an Android Application Generate Java code for the Android platform, create the user interface for the application, and run it on the emulator.