Device Application Designer Device Preferences

Edit the device simulator settings.

Preference Description
Default Configurations Default Platform Device – select the default device to use when creating a new device application.
Advanced Configuration By default this is selected so that system fonts and sizes are mapped to the default device font and size. If this is not selected, no device mapping is performed for system fonts and sizes.


Preference Description
Generate custom subclasses for all When checked, all tabs, user interface definitions, and options definitions have a subclass generated.
Device Configurations for External BlackBerry JDE Installation The tree view displays and allows you to edit device simulator locations and simulator batch files. Click Edit to change the path to the simulator and its batch files.
BlackBerry MDS port The BlackBerry MDS port is used to detect if MDS server is running so that the "Start MDS automatically" option on BlackBerry application generation wizard works.

Windows Mobile

The device preferences for Windows Mobile contain two sections:
  • Device – create new or edit existing device configurations. You cannot edit device configurations that are pre-defined by the system.
  • Platform – create new or edit existing device platform configurations. You cannot edit device platform configurations that are pre-defined by the system.