Resolving Preparation Errors During a Multiplex Upgrade

Preparation tasks involve the dropping of user connections, indexes (excluding JOIN indexes), and logical servers.

Warning!  These steps pertain to resolving any preparation task errors except JOIN index errors. Do not proceed if the error involves a JOIN index as it may cause you to no longer be able to manage the multiplex in SCC. See Resolving JOIN Index Errors During a Multiplex Upgrade.
  1. Note the reason for the wizard termination.
  2. Close the Database Upgrade wizard. You need not exit SAP Control Center.
  3. (Optional) Depending on the severity of the issue, consider restoring the coordinator from backup. Start the restored database using SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 or 15.4.
  4. Start Interactive SQL, connect to the coordinator, and resolve the issue.
  5. Log out of the coordinator, but leave it running.
  6. In SAP Control Center, restart the Database Upgrade wizard.
Related tasks
Resolving JOIN Index Errors During a Multiplex Upgrade
Resolving Upgrade Task Errors During a Multiplex Upgrade