Viewing and Filtering the Adaptive Server Error Log

Apply filters and view the Adaptive Server error log.

Note: While executing this command, you may experience performance degradation if there is a firewall between the Sybase Control server and the monitoring Adaptive Server host machines. Communication with the Unified Agent uses the Java RMI network protocol which requires a network connection to be established between the Sybase Control Center server and Unified Agent. If the firewall prevents these connections from being established, then performance may degrade.

Use the View Adaptive Server's Error Log option in the Adaptive Server Administration Dashboard to start the Adaptive Server.

  1. In the Perspective Resources view, right-click the server you want to monitor and select Administer. The Adaptive Server Administration Dashboard displays the administrative options.
  2. Click View Adaptive Server's Error Log. You see the error log of the Adaptive Server.
  3. (Optional) Select the Filter option. You see the Server Log Properties window.
    Note: User-defined regular expressions are only valid in the session that they are defined in. When the Sybase Control Server is restarted, you will have to define the regular expressions again.
  4. Select how you want to retrieve log entries from the error log. You can retrieve all log entries, a specified number of log entries last accessed, all log entries from a specified time period, or all log entries matching a regular expression. The pre-defined regular expressions provided by the dialog are generally sufficient for filtering. They contain the most commonly accessed keywords in the error log such as Error, deadlock, Warning, and so on. However if you wish to define your own custom regular expression, click on add, and specify a descriptive name for the new regular expression, and the regular expression clause. For example, specify "All Lines that have configuration" for Name and "configuration" for Regular Expression.
  5. (Optional) Select a different display icon to match different regular expressions.
  6. Click OK.
Related tasks
Registering the Unified Agent for an Adaptive Server
Authenticating the Unified Agent
Starting an Adaptive Server
Stopping an Adaptive Server

Created February 25, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: