Updating Contact Details

Update contact details, such as address, phone numbers, email, and Web site information.

You cannot update contacts with pending changes.
  1. On the home screen, select Contacts.
  2. Select the contact to view its fact sheet.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Tap the field you want to update.

    If you update the alternate contact information, and the contact is also a personal contact, the Mobile Sales application synchronizes the changes in the native Contacts book.

  5. Update the information, tap Done, then Done again.
You can see the Pending Changes icon at the top of the fact sheet and in the Contacts list view. The contact has pending changes until the device data is synchronized with the SAP system. If the SAP system rejects the changes, you receive a warning message. You must fix or undo the changes.
Related tasks
Searching Contacts
Viewing Contacts
Saving a CRM Contact as a Personal Contact
Creating or Editing a Note for a Contact
Calling a Contact
E-mailing a Contact

Created March 2, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com