Installation Workflows

These workflows define a path for planning, installing, and configuring Sybase Unwired Platform.

Follow the workflow that best describes your installation scenario:
Note: Print this topic and use it as a checklist.
Table 1. Sybase Unwired Platform options
Edition Description

Personal Developer Edition

Includes Unwired Server, Afaria, and Eclipse and Visual Studio development tools.

Requires that all Sybase Unwired Platform components are installed on the same machine and configured with this restriction in mind. Allows a maximum of five synchronization clients for Unwired Server and Afaria Server.

Enterprise Developer Edition

Includes Unwired Server, Afaria, and Eclipse and Visual Studio development tools.

Enables installation and configuration of different components on different machines. Allows a maximum of 20 synchronization clients for Unwired Server and Afaria Server.

Deployment Option

Includes Unwired Server and Afaria components only.

Enables installation and configuration of these components on a separate machine and is intended for use in a production environment.

Installing a Developer Edition of Sybase Unwired Platform

  1. Plan your installation.
  2. For existing Afaria customers, upgrade to Afaria 6.0 and install Afaria 6.0 Hot Fix 23.
  3. Install the prerequisites. If installing Afaria from the Sybase Unwired Platform installation media, install the Afaria Server prerequisites.
  4. Install the features you need:
  5. Perform postinstallation tasks for your system configuration.

Installing the Deployment Option of Sybase Unwired Platform

  1. Plan your installation.
  2. For existing Afaria customers, determine which preinstallation upgrade tasks to perform.
  3. If installing Afaria from the Sybase Unwired Platform installation media, install the Afaria Server prerequisites.
  4. Perform a Deployment installation.
  5. For Afaria users, perform postinstallation Afaria Server configuration.
  6. Configure an Unwired Server cluster.
  7. Install the relay server components and configure the relay server.

Upgrading From a Previous Version of Sybase Unwired Platform

You cannot install Sybase Unwired Platform 1.2 on the same machine as an existing Sybase Unwired Platform 1.0 installation. To upgrade to Sybase Unwired Platform 1.2, you must completely uninstall Sybase Unwired Platform 1.0 before installing version 1.2 on the same machine. If you do not want to uninstall the existing version, install version 1.2 on a different machine.

  1. Shut down all Sybase products, Sybase processes, and associated third-party products and processes.
  2. Migrate projects and data.
  3. Uninstall the existing version.
  4. Install the prerequisites. If installing Afaria from the Sybase Unwired Platform installation media, install the Afaria Server prerequisites.
  5. Install the features you need:
  6. Perform postinstallation tasks for your system configuration.

Installing Additional Components with an Upgraded License

  1. Install the prerequisites.
  2. For Afaria users, install the Afaria Server prerequisites.
  3. Have the upgraded license key available.
  4. Install the new features following the instructions in the installation wizard.
  5. Perform postinstallation tasks for your system configuration.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: