Known Issues for Unwired Platform Runtime 2.2 SP05

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Unwired Platform runtime components.

Key to issue types:
Issue #Description
The domain version does not increase in an out of sync node after it starts, when a domain with packages has been deleted.
  1. Set up a Sybase Unwired Platform version 2.2 SP05 cluster.
  2. Create a new domain and deploy some packages to this domain.
  3. Stop the second cluster node.
  4. Delete the newly created domain in the first cluster node.
  5. Start the second cluster node and check the Repository folder.

    The domain-version zip files are not updated in the second cluster node.

Workaround: None. There is no functional impact.

Login fails when the value of the "tm_max_no" parameter in the SAP® EIS is less than the number of users concurrently logged in.

The value of the tm_max_no parameter in the SAP EIS limits the maximum number of active logins. If the number of concurrent users logged in is larger than this value, Unwired Server shows a R3_LOGIN_FAILED error.

Workaround: Increase the value of the tm_max_no parameter in the SAP EIS to a suitable value.

Sybase Control Center stops responding and shows Connecting with the SCC Managed Object Server message after login.

Workaround: Instead of using the standard URL (https:// < hostname > :8283/scc), if you are accessing Sybase Control Center from the same host use https://localhost:8283/scc or https:// < host name.domain > :8283/scc. Another option is to try accessing from a remote machine.