Changing the wash size of a pool

The wash size is the point in the cache at which Adaptive Server writes dirty pages to disk for a memory pool.

sp_poolconfig cache_name, 'affected_poolK ', 'wash=size[P|K|M|G]'
		[, instance 'instancename']

To change the wash size of an 8K pool of named cache “log_hr” to 12480K, execute sp_poolconfig 'log_hr' on instance HR_INSTANCE to display:

sp_poolconfig 'log_hr','8K','wash=12480K','instance HR_INSTANCE'

Cache Name         Status Type     Config Value   Run Value
------------------ ------ -------- ------------ ------------
HR_INSTANCE:log_hr Active Log Only   150.00 Mb   150.00 Mb
(1 row affected)
                                  ------------ ------------
                              Total 150.00 Mb 150.00 Mb
Cache: HR_INSTANCE:log_hr, Status: Active, Type: Log Only
	Config Size: 150.00 Mb, Run Size: 150.00 Mb
	Config Replacement: strict LRU, Run Replacement: strict LRU
	Config Partition: 1, Run Partition: 1
IO Size     Wash Size   Config Size  Run Size     APF Percent
-------- ------------- ------------ ------------ -----------
2 Kb        20480 Kb       0.00 Mb   100.00 Mb        10
8 Kb        12480 Kb      50.00 Mb   50.00 Mb        10
(return status = 0)