Moving memory between buffer pools

To create a new 8K pool and take memory from a 4K pool rather than from a default pool:

sp_poolconfig 'tempdb_cache','8M','8K','4K'
sp_poolconfig 'tempdb_cache'

Cache Name                  Status Type   Config Value   Run Value
--------------------------- ------ ----- ------------ ------------
tempdb_cache        Active Global,Mixed   100.00 Mb      100.00 Mb
(1 row affected)
                                         ------------ ------------
                                  Total 100.00 Mb 100.00 Mb
Cache: tempdb_cache, Status: Active, Type: Global,Mixed
	Config Size: 100.00 Mb, Run Size: 100.00 Mb
	Config Replacement: strict LRU, Run Replacement: strict LRU
	Config Partition: 1, Run Partition: 1
IO Size    Wash Size    Config Size    Run Size   APF Percent
-------- ------------- ------------ ------------ -----------
8 Kb        1632 Kb      8.00 Mb     8.00 Mb         10
2Kb        15360 Kb     0.00 Mb      75.00 Mb        10
4 Kb       3480 Kb     17.00 Mb      17.00 Mb        10
(return status = 0)