List of all supported methods

The following is a list of all supported spatial methods. An X in the Round-Earth column indicates that the method is also supported on round-Earth spatial reference systems. The SQL/MM column reflects compliance with the SQL/MM standard (ISO/IEC 13249-3: 2006).

Method Type Description Round-Earth SQL/MM
ST_Affine method ST_Geometry type

Perform an affine transformation that performs rotation, translation and scaling in one call.

Vendor extension
ST_Area method ST_MultiSurface type

Computes the area of the multi-surface in the specified units.

ST_Area method ST_Surface type

Calculates the area of a surface in the specified units.

ST_AsBinary method ST_Geometry type

Returns the WKB representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.37
ST_AsGML method ST_Geometry type

Returns the GML representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.39
ST_AsGeoJSON method ST_Geometry type

Returns a string representing a geometry in JSON format.

X Vendor extension
ST_AsKML method ST_Geometry type

Returns the KML representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.39
ST_AsSVG method ST_Geometry type

Returns an SVG figure representing a geometry value.

X Vendor extension
ST_AsText method ST_Geometry type

Returns the text representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.35
ST_AsWKB method ST_Geometry type

Returns the WKB representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X Vendor extension
ST_AsWKT method ST_Geometry type

Returns the WKT representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X Vendor extension
ST_AsXML method ST_Geometry type

Returns the XML representation of an ST_Geometry value.

X Vendor extension
ST_Boundary method ST_Geometry type

Returns the boundary of the geometry value.

ST_Centroid method ST_MultiSurface type

Computes the ST_Point that is the mathematical centroid of the multi-surface.

ST_Centroid method ST_Surface type

Returns the ST_Point value that is the mathematical centroid of the surface value.

ST_Contains method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value spatially contains another geometry value.

ST_ContainsFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive test if a geometry might contain another.

Vendor extension
ST_ConvexHull method ST_Geometry type

Returns the convex hull of the geometry value.

ST_CoordDim method ST_Geometry type

Returns the number of coordinate dimensions stored with each point of the ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.3
ST_CoveredBy method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value is spatially covered by another geometry value.

X Vendor extension
ST_CoveredByFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive test if a geometry might be covered by another.

X Vendor extension
ST_Covers method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value spatially covers another geometry value.

X Vendor extension
ST_CoversFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive test if a geometry might cover another.

X Vendor extension
ST_Crosses method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value crosses another geometry value.

ST_CurveN method ST_CompoundCurve type

Returns the nth curve in the compound curve.

X 7.4.5
ST_CurvePolyToPoly method ST_CurvePolygon type

Returns the interpolation of the curve polygon as a polygon.

X 8.2.7
ST_CurveToLine method ST_Curve type

Returns the ST_LineString interpolation of an ST_Curve value.

X 7.1.7
ST_Difference method ST_Geometry type

Returns the geometry value that represents the point set difference of two geometries.

X 5.1.20
ST_Dimension method ST_Geometry type

Returns the dimension of the ST_Geometry value. Points have dimension 0, lines have dimension 1, and surfaces have dimension 2. Any empty geometry has dimension -1.

X 5.1.2
ST_Disjoint method ST_Geometry type

Test if a geometry value is spatially disjoint from another value.

X 5.1.26
ST_Distance method ST_Geometry type

Returns the smallest distance between the ${selfexpr} and the specified geometry value.

X 5.1.23
ST_EndPoint method ST_Curve type

Returns an ST_Point value that is the end point of the ST_Curve value.

X 7.1.4
ST_Envelope method ST_Geometry type

Returns the bounding rectangle for the geometry value.

ST_Equals method ST_Geometry type

Tests if an ST_Geometry value is spatially equal to another ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.24
ST_EqualsFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive test if a geometry is equal to another.

X Vendor extension
ST_ExteriorRing method ST_CurvePolygon type

Retrieves or modifies the exterior ring.

X 8.2.3
ST_ExteriorRing method ST_Polygon type

Retrieve or modify the exterior ring.

X 8.3.3
ST_GeometryN method ST_GeomCollection type

Returns the nth geometry in the geometry collection.

X 9.1.5
ST_GeometryType method ST_Geometry type

Returns the name of the type of the ST_Geometry value.

X 5.1.4
ST_InteriorRingN method ST_CurvePolygon type

Returns the nth interior ring in the curve polygon.

X 8.2.6
ST_InteriorRingN method ST_Polygon type

Returns the nth interior ring in the polygon.

X 8.3.5
ST_Intersection method ST_Geometry type

Returns the geometry value that represents the point set intersection of two geometries.

X 5.1.18
ST_Intersects method ST_Geometry type

Test if a geometry value spatially intersects another value.

X 5.1.27
ST_IntersectsFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive test if the two geometries might intersect.

X Vendor extension
ST_IntersectsRect method ST_Geometry type

Test if a geometry intersects a rectangle.

X Vendor extension
ST_Is3D method ST_Geometry type

Determines if the geometry value has Z coordinate values.

X 5.1.10
ST_IsClosed method ST_Curve type

Test if the ST_Curve value is closed. A curve is closed if the start and end points are coincident.

X 7.1.5
ST_IsClosed method ST_MultiCurve type

Tests if the ST_MultiCurve value is closed. A curve is closed if the start and end points are coincident. A multicurve is closed if it is non-empty and has an empty boundary.

X 9.3.3
ST_IsEmpty method ST_Geometry type

Determines whether the geometry value represents an empty set.

X 5.1.7
ST_IsMeasured method ST_Geometry type

Determines if the geometry value has associated measure values.

X 5.1.11
ST_IsRing method ST_Curve type

Tests if the ST_Curve value is a ring. A curve is a ring if it is closed and simple (no self intersections).

X 7.1.6
ST_IsSimple method ST_Geometry type

Determines whether the geometry value is simple (containing no self intersections or other irregularities).

X 5.1.8
ST_IsValid method ST_Geometry type

Determines whether the geometry is a valid spatial object.

X 5.1.9
ST_IsWorld method ST_Surface type

Test if the ST_Surface covers the entire space.

ST_Lat method ST_Point type

Returns the latitude coordinate of the ST_Point value.

X Vendor extension
ST_LatNorth method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the northernmost latitude of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_LatSouth method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the southernmost latitude of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_Length method ST_Curve type

Retrieves the length measurement of the curve value.

X 7.1.2
ST_Length method ST_MultiCurve type

Returns the length measurement of the ST_MultiCurve value. The result is measured in the units specified by the parameter.

X 9.3.4
ST_LinearHash method ST_Geometry type

Returns a binary string that is a linear hash of the geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_Long method ST_Point type

Returns the longitude coordinate of the ST_Point value.

X Vendor extension
ST_LongEast method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the longitude of the eastern boundary of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_LongWest method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the longitude of the western boundary of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_M method ST_Point type

Retrieves or modifies the measure value of a point.

X 6.1.6
ST_MMax method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the maximum M coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_MMin method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the minimum M coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_NumCurves method ST_CompoundCurve type

Returns the number of curves defining the compound curve.

X 7.4.4
ST_NumGeometries method ST_GeomCollection type

Returns the number of geometries contained in the geometry collection.

X 9.1.4
ST_NumInteriorRing method ST_CurvePolygon type

Returns the number of interior rings in the curve polygon.

X 8.2.5
ST_NumPoints method ST_CircularString type

Returns the number of points defining the circularstring.

X 7.3.4
ST_NumPoints method ST_LineString type

Returns the number of points defining the linestring.

X 7.2.4
ST_OrderingEquals method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry is identical to another geometry.

X 5.1.43
ST_Overlaps method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value overlaps another geometry value.

ST_Perimeter method ST_MultiSurface type

Computes the perimeter of the multi-surface in the specified units.

X 9.5.4
ST_Perimeter method ST_Surface type

Calculates the perimeter of a surface in the specified units.

X 8.1.3
ST_PointN method ST_CircularString type

Returns the nth point in the circularstring.

X 7.3.5
ST_PointN method ST_LineString type

Returns the nth point in the linestring.

X 7.2.5
ST_PointOnSurface method ST_MultiSurface type

Returns a point that is guaranteed to be on a surface in the multi-surface

X 9.5.6
ST_PointOnSurface method ST_Surface type

Returns an ST_Point value that is guaranteed to spatially intersect the ST_Surface value.

X 8.1.5
ST_Relate method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value is spatially related to another geometry value as specified by the intersection matrix. The ST_Relate method uses a 9-character string from the Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model (DE-9IM) to describe the pair-wise relationship between two spatial data items. For example, the ST_Relate method determines if an intersection occurs between the geometries, and the geometry of the resulting intersection, if it exists. See also: How spatial relationships work.

5.1.25, Vendor extension
ST_Reverse method ST_Geometry type

Returns the geometry with the element order reversed.

X Vendor extension
ST_SRID method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves or modifies the spatial reference system associated with the geometry value.

X 5.1.5
ST_SnapToGrid method ST_Geometry type

Returns a copy of the geometry with all points snapped to the specified grid.

X Vendor extension
ST_StartPoint method ST_Curve type

Returns an ST_Point value that is the start point of the ST_Curve value.

X 7.1.3
ST_SymDifference method ST_Geometry type

Returns the geometry value that represents the point set symmetric difference of two geometries.

X 5.1.21
ST_ToCircular method ST_Geometry type

Convert the geometry to a circularstring

X 5.1.33
ST_ToCompound method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a compound curve.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToCurve method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a curve.

X Vendor extension
ST_ToCurvePoly method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a curve polygon.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToGeomColl method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a geometry collection.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToLineString method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a linestring.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToMultiCurve method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a multicurve value.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToMultiLine method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a multilinestring value.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToMultiPoint method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a multi-point value.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToMultiPolygon method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a multi-polygon value.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToMultiSurface method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a multi-surface value.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToPoint method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a point.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToPolygon method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a polygon.

X 5.1.33
ST_ToSurface method ST_Geometry type

Converts the geometry to a surface.

X Vendor extension
ST_Touches method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value spatially touches another geometry value.

ST_Transform method ST_Geometry type

Creates a copy of the geometry value transformed into the specified spatial reference system.

X 5.1.6
ST_Union method ST_Geometry type

Returns the geometry value that represents the point set union of two geometries.

X 5.1.19
ST_Within method ST_Geometry type

Tests if a geometry value is spatially contained within another geometry value.

ST_WithinDistance method ST_Geometry type

Test if two geometries are within a specified distance of each other.

X Vendor extension
ST_WithinDistanceFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive of whether two geometries might be within a specified distance of each other.

X Vendor extension
ST_WithinFilter method ST_Geometry type

An inexpensive test if a geometry might be within another.

Vendor extension
ST_X method ST_Point type

Retrieves or modifies the X coordinate value of a point.

X 6.1.3
ST_XMax method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the maximum X coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_XMin method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the minimum X coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_Y method ST_Point type

Retrieves or modifies the Y coordinate value of a point.

X 6.1.4
ST_YMax method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the maximum Y coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_YMin method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the minimum Y coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_Z method ST_Point type

Retrieves or modifies the Z coordinate value of a point.

X 6.1.4, 6.1.5
ST_ZMax method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the maximum Z coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension
ST_ZMin method ST_Geometry type

Retrieves the minimum Z coordinate value of a geometry.

X Vendor extension