ST_Geometry type

The ST_Geometry type is the maximal supertype of the geometry type hierarchy.

 Direct subtypes
 Standards and compatibility

ST_Affine method
ST_AsBinary method
ST_AsGML method
ST_AsGeoJSON method
ST_AsKML method
ST_AsSVG method
ST_AsSVGAggr method
ST_AsText method
ST_AsWKB method
ST_AsWKT method
ST_AsXML method
ST_Boundary method
ST_Contains method
ST_ContainsFilter method
ST_ConvexHull method
ST_ConvexHullAggr method
ST_CoordDim method
ST_CoveredBy method
ST_CoveredByFilter method
ST_Covers method
ST_CoversFilter method
ST_Crosses method
ST_Difference method
ST_Dimension method
ST_Disjoint method
ST_Distance method
ST_Envelope method
ST_EnvelopeAggr method
ST_Equals method
ST_EqualsFilter method
ST_GeomFromBinary method
ST_GeomFromShape method
ST_GeomFromText method
ST_GeomFromWKB method
ST_GeomFromWKT method
ST_GeometryType method
ST_GeometryTypeFromBaseType method
ST_Intersection method
ST_IntersectionAggr method
ST_Intersects method
ST_IntersectsFilter method
ST_IntersectsRect method
ST_Is3D method
ST_IsEmpty method
ST_IsMeasured method
ST_IsSimple method
ST_IsValid method
ST_LatNorth method
ST_LatSouth method
ST_LinearHash method
ST_LinearUnHash method
ST_LoadConfigurationData method
ST_LongEast method
ST_LongWest method
ST_MMax method
ST_MMin method
ST_OrderingEquals method
ST_Overlaps method
ST_Relate method
ST_Reverse method
ST_SRID method
ST_SRIDFromBaseType method
ST_SnapToGrid method
ST_SymDifference method
ST_ToCircular method
ST_ToCompound method
ST_ToCurve method
ST_ToCurvePoly method
ST_ToGeomColl method
ST_ToLineString method
ST_ToMultiCurve method
ST_ToMultiLine method
ST_ToMultiPoint method
ST_ToMultiPolygon method
ST_ToMultiSurface method
ST_ToPoint method
ST_ToPolygon method
ST_ToSurface method
ST_Touches method
ST_Transform method
ST_Union method
ST_UnionAggr method
ST_Within method
ST_WithinDistance method
ST_WithinDistanceFilter method
ST_WithinFilter method
ST_XMax method
ST_XMin method
ST_YMax method
ST_YMin method
ST_ZMax method
ST_ZMin method