PODSDocumentMgr object

  • Inherits from: PODSDocumentSrc

  • Accessed by: PODSAvantGo object's documentMgr

  • Available to: C only

The PODSDocumentMgr methods register, unregister, and create documents.

PODSDocumentMgr’s implementations of documentForUrl( ) and documentForSubmission( ) (inherited from PODSDocumentSrc) call the corresponding method on each of the document sources that have been registered with the document manager. If any of the document sources mark handled as PODS_TRUE, the search stops and if a document is returned from the document source, it is returned by the document manager. Note that you may set handled to PODS_TRUE, indicating that you have handled the request, but still return NULL.

PODSDocumentMgr’s implementation of createDocumentEnumerator( ) (inherited from PODSDocumentSrc) creates a document enumerator that returns each document that the document sources can provide. As each document source’s enumerator is exhausted, the next document source is asked to create an enumerator until no more documents are returned.

Summary of PODSDocumentMgr attributes and methods
createDocument( )
createDocumentEnumerator( )
documentForSubmission( )
documentForUrl( )
registerDocumentSrc( )
unregisterDocumentSrc( )