documentForSubmission( )

Returns a document for a submission.



IDL definition
PODSDocument documentForSubmission(
  PODSSubmission submission,
  out PODSBoolean handled
JavaScript synopsis

Not applicable

C synopsis
PODSDocument* PODSdocumentForSubmission(
  PODSDocumentMgr* docmgr,
  PODSSubmission* submission,
  PODSBoolean* handled
  • docmgr   The PODSDocumentMgr object.

  • submission   [in] The PODSSubmission object.

  • handled   [out] Indicates whether the request was handled successfully: PODS_TRUE on success; PODS_FALSE otherwise. You may return handled as PODS_TRUE while returning a null PODSDocument. For example, you might want to have a link with a URL that does not return a page, but toggles the device backlighting; the URL would be something like "PODS://togglebacklight".


PODSDocument object for specified submission. May be NULL.


Your document manager should implement this method or documentForUrl( ).

The PODSDocumentMgr implementation of documentForSubmission( ) walks through all the registered document sources until a document with a matching submission object is found, while the PODSDocumentSrc implementation only checks the specified document source.

See also

documentForUrl( ), PODSDocumentSrc object's documentForSubmission( )