createDocumentEnumerator( )

Creates a document enumerator.



IDL definition
PODSDocumentEnumerator createDocumentEnumerator( );
JavaScript synopsis

Not applicable

C synopsis
PODSDocumentEnumerator* PODScreateDocumentEnumerator(
  PODSDocumentMgr* docmgr
  • docmgr   The PODSDocumentMgr object.


PODSDocumentEnumerator object for the PODSDocumentMgr object.


Your document manager can optionally implement this method, or your own implementation of it, if you would like it to provide enumeration of the documents that it can provide. Document enumeration allows the M-Business Client’s Find to locate matching documents.

The PODSDocumentMgr implementation of createDocumentEnumerator( ) enumerates all documents from all registered document sources, while the PODSDocumentSrc implementation enumerates only a single document source.

See also

PODSDocumentSrc object's createDocumentEnumerator( )