Transparent access to local heterogeneous data stores  Accessing and changing data through an enterprise portal

Chapter 2: Sample solutions

Access to distributed data sources


A securities company requires an immediate customer profile when the broker receives a call from the customer. The broker client application immediately brings up the customer profile based on the telephone number of the caller. This data is stored in the Informix database at the local work group’s office in Memphis and is updated through DirectConnect for Informix. Real-time feeds from outside the system are stored in DB2 UDB on a z/OS host located in New York and are accessed by DirectConnect for DB2 UDB. Client inquiries regarding other investments and current prices need to be queried off the z/OS host and displayed within the broker client application.

Sybase components

To set up transparent access to heterogeneous data stores, the securities company uses the following components in ECDA:

This combination of components gives the securities company access to heterogeneous data stores.

Figure 2-2 illustrates this sample scenario.

Figure 2-2: Access to distributed data sources

See “What does ECDA include?” for descriptions of specific components.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Accessing and changing data through an enterprise portal

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