UDDI Server

The common services layer provides an UDDI server that you can use to create a private EAServer-hosted UDDI server, which thereby allows you to run the UDDI server locally on the same server as the Service Container runtime.

The private UDDI server is an internal registry that provides an index of Web services in a particular domain, behind the firewall and isolated from the public network. This secures access to both the administrative features and registry data. Data in the registry is not shared with any other registries. The private UDDI server adheres to the following specifications, which are published at the OASIS/UDDI Web site.

Table 1. UDDI specifications
Specification Description
API Specification 2.04 The application user interface for programmatically accessing UDDI.
Data Structure Reference 2.03 The datatypes that make up the complete amount of information provided within the UDDI service description framework.
Operator Specification 2.01 General guidelines for managing and maintaining the registration information within the UDDI registry.
Note: For more information on managing the private UDDI server, see the EAServer documentation located at the main level of the Sybase WorkSpace online bookshelf. If this server documentation is not installed, the documentation is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at http://sybooks.sybase.com.
Related concepts
UDDI Registries
UDDI Server Security Roles
Related tasks
Setting up the UDDI Server
Starting and Stopping the UDDI Server
Resolving a UDDI Registry Database Port Conflict
Creating a UDDI Registry Connection Profile
Pinging a Server
Connecting to a Server
Refreshing a Server Connection
Disconnecting From a Server
Mapping UDDI Server Security Roles
Related reference

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