Building a DataWindow object

Use a wizard to build a new DataWindow object.

Before you create a DataWindow object, you must create the DataWindow library to contain this DataWindow object. During the DataWindow object creation process, specify the DataWindow library.

StepsTo create a new DataWindow library:

  1. Select File>New>Other from the menu bar of the Web Application Development perspective. The Select a Wizard page opens.

  2. Expand Sybase and select DataWindow library. Then, click Next. The New DataWindow library wizard opens.

  3. In the Create DataWindow library page:

  4. In the Database Connection Profile page, select a database connection profile or database.

    For a profile that supports multiple databases, click Connect to see the databases, and select a database. If you select the profile but not a database, the default database for the profile is used.

    To create a new database connection profile, click New Connection Profile and choose from:

  5. Click Finish.

StepsTo create a new DataWindow object:

  1. Select File>New>Other from the menu bar of the Web Application Development perspective. The Select a Wizard page opens.

  2. Expand Sybase and select DataWindow. Then, click Next. The New DataWindow Object wizard opens.

  3. In the Create DataWindow Object page, enter values for the following fields and click Next.



    DataWindow library

    Specify the library in which the DataWindow object is to be saved.

    DataWindow name

    Enter the name of the DataWindow object you want to create.

    Presentation style

    Choose a presentation style for the DataWindow object.

    The presentation style determines how the data is displayed. See “Choosing a presentation style”.

  4. In the Database Connection Profile page, select an existing database connection profile or database, if any, or create a new one. To create a new database connection profile, see Step 4 in “To create a new DataWindow library:.”

  5. In the Choose Data Source for DataWindow page, if you want data to be retrieved in the Preview view when the DataWindow object opens, select the Retrieve on Preview check box.

  6. Define the data source.

    See “Selecting a data source”.

  7. In the Select Color and Border Settings page, choose options for the DataWindow object and click Next.

    See “Choosing DataWindow object-wide options”.

  8. In the Ready to Crate DataWindow page, review your specifications and click Finish.

    The DataWindow object displays in the Design view.