Resolving Schema Errors in Mapped Metadata Models

When you map a table in a metadata model to a Data Federation object, any schema mismatches are displayed as errors. You must correct these errors before you can deploy the metadata model.

Schema mismatches include differences in column number, order, name, or data type.

To correct a schema mismatch, perform one or more of the following tasks, as indicated.

  1. Edit the schema of the table in the metadata model.
  2. Right-click the schema and select Refresh to revalidate the tables in the editor pane. If the connection to the grid server has been lost, Refresh attempts to connect.
  3. Modify the object (data service or database operation, for example) you’re mapping to.
  4. Alternatively, map to another object—drag a different Data Federation object over the target schema to create a new mapping.
  5. If you make a mapping error, right-click the table and select Remove Mapping.

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