Creating a Virtual Database Operation

Set up a virtual database operation to extract data from Sybase Data Federation’s virtual database.


Provision or generate a SQL view.

Follow these steps to create a virtual database operation:

  1. In Enterprise Explorer, connect to the grid domain controller (GDC) that hosts the SQL view you want to query.
  2. Pull down the File menu and select New > Other The wizard selection dialog opens.
  3. Expand Sybase > Data Federation and select Virtual Database Operation. Click Next.
  4. Select the grid domain controller you connected to in step 1 and click Next.
  5. Enter a name and, if you wish, a description for your virtual database operation. Click Next again. The Basic Operation Properties pages appears.
  6. Enter the SQL statement this virtual database operation will use to query the virtual database. Be sure to include the name of the SQL view (table) you want to query. For information on SQL statements and syntax for the Data Federation virtual database, see the Data Federation API Guide, part of the DI Suite documentation set, which is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at
  7. Select the caching behavior for the results of this virtual database operation: don’t cache, never expire from cache, or expire after a length of time you specify here.
  8. Select how this virtual database operation will run: as the grid user who executes it, or as a grid user you specify here.
  9. Click Next and specify parameters if any are required.
  10. Click Finish to create your virtual database operation. WorkSpace displays the new virtual database operation under Categories/ViewLibrary/VirtualDatabaseServices/Operations/.
Related concepts
Virtual Database Operations

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