Data Catalog Directory Structure

When you create a Sybase Data Federation domain, the system sets up the core directory structure of the data catalog. This topic describes the core structure and its intended use. Members of the Administrators group can create additional top-level directories.

Data catalog directory Description
/Categories The categories feature lets you classify and organize the contents of your data catalog. /Categories is a hierarchy parallel to the directory structure; it contains links to items that reside in data catalog directories.
/ViewLibrary A default category containing subcategories (folders) for items that can serve as data sources to a view model:
  • DatabaseServices: Contains folders named for each database connector in the domain; each folder contains its database connector, any database operations that use that database connector, and folders for SQL views that use that database connector .
  • DataServices: Contains Data services and SQL views generated from data services.
  • VirtualDatabaseServices: Contains virtual database operations and SQL views generated from virtual database operations.
/GeneratedViews The default location for files produced by view generators. This directory is provided for convenience; it is intended to serve as the root directory for generated views, but you can place generated views elsewhere if you want.
/Interconnects When you interconnect your Data Federation domain with another, the other domain’s root directory—its “/”—is linked into your domain’s /Interconnects directory. (The other domain’s /System/Domains/domain-name directory is linked into the same place in your domain’s catalog.)
/Metadata /Metadata contains generated XML schema documents (.xsd files) that show the XML representation of the output schema of your database operations. Do not modify these generated files or the corresponding directory structure. /Metadata contains the subdirectories shown below.
/DataService A generated directory containing a subdirectory for each data service in your domain. Data services that produce resultset output store their schema documents here. (Running a data service generates its schema; you can also use WorkSpace Data Federation’s generate schema utility.)
/Database A generated directory tree that reflects the structure of the database connectors and database operations in your Data Federation domain. The structure is:


That is, there is a subdirectory for each database operation, and within that subdirectory there is an XML schema document that represents the shape of the information returned by that database operation.

/Relational A generated directory structure where query engines create and access metadata for SQL views. There is a subdirectory for each SQL view in your Data Federation domain. The metadata stored here is intended to be understood only by query engines.
/Standard A convenience directory into which you can link other metadata (or create Data Federation shares containing such information).
/User A convenience directory into which you can link other metadata that’s of interest to particular users (or create Data Federation shares containing such information).
/VirtualDatabase A generated directory structure that stores metadata for virtual database operations. The structure is:


The XML schema document (.xsd file) for each virtual database operation represents the shape of the information returned by that virtual database operation.

/VirtualSchema A generated directory structure that holds files related to metadata models.
/Shares The default location for Data Federation shares in your data catalog. Each Data Federation share you create here appears as a subdirectory. This directory is provided for convenience; you can place Data Federation shares elsewhere.
/System Data Federation uses this directory to keep track of the servers and services that make up a Data Federation domain. The structure is controlled by the software—do not edit files or add, remove, or rename files or subdirectories here unless you are instructed to do so by a Sybase representative.

/System contains an authentication service and the subdirectories shown below.

/Domains /System/Domains contains one entry for the current or local domain (its name is the domain name) and one entry for every domain to which the local domain has been interconnected.

In each domain directory are subdirectories for servers, services, and views in that domain.

/Interconnects Same as the top-level /Interconnects directory.
/LocalDomain Same as the subdirectory for the current grid domain in System/Domains.
/WSDLs Contains Web Services Description Language (WSDL) descriptions for the Data Federation services that you can invoke via Web service calls. These WSDL documents allow you to access database operations, data services, and data catalog functions via Web services.

You can create new subdirectories under /WSDLs to link in other WSDL documents that you want to share within your organization.

/WSDLs contains the subdirectories shown below.

/AvakiServices Contains the built-in services offered by Data Federation. Using the Web services described by the WSDL documents in this directory, you can access any part of the data catalog, read and write files, set and view access control lists, and invoke database operations and data services. For more information on WSDLs and the Web services API, see the Data Federation API Guide, part of the DI Suite documentation set, which is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at
Note: Do not change, move, or delete this subdirectory or its contents.
/DataServices In subdirectories named for Data Federation domains (the local domain plus any interconnected domains), DataServices contains WSDLs for data services.
/DatabaseOperations In subdirectories named for Data Federation domains (the local domain plus any interconnected domains), DatabaseOperations contains WSDLs for database operations.

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