There are two ways to set up a Data Federation data service: by creating a view model in WorkSpace or by writing your own data service plug-in.
For example, you might use Data Federation’s built-in no-operation plug-in to provision a Web service’s data as XML, or the XSLT plug-in to use XSLT to process one or more XML inputs. For another format—a data service that does image processing, perhaps—you’d write your own plug-in.
You’ll also need to write your own data service plug-in if you want your data service to return multiple result sets or to perform distributed transactions, in which a group of SQL operations are executed on back-end databases as one transaction. (In Sybase Data Federation, you set up a distributed transaction by configuring a database operation for each SQL operation, then writing a data service plug-in using the transaction API. The resulting data service executes all the database operations as a single transaction.)
For information on distributed transactions, on Data Federation’s built-in data service plug-ins, on data services that return multiple result sets, and on writing your own plug-ins in Java, JavaScript, or XSLT, see the Data Federation Provisioning and Advanced Data Integration Guide, part of the DI Suite documentation set, which is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at
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