Playback Link Validation Rules and Error Messages

Validation rules are enforced during development and use of device application. Error/warning messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Table 1. Playback link validation error messages
Severity and message
Error: No source field specified for link: {0}.
Error: Both source attribute and source parameter are present for link: {0}.
Error: Target parameter must be present for link: {0}.
Warning: The source parameter ''{0}'' is not mapped to any argument on device link ''{1}''.
Error: Source attribute ''{0}'' in playback link ''{1}'' does not exist in Mobile Business Object ''{2}''.
Error: Target attribute ''{0}'' in playback link ''{1}'' does not exist in Mobile Business Object ''{2}''.
Warning: The target parameter ''{0}'' is not mapped to any argument on device link ''{1}''.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: