Rearranging Views in a Perspective

Rearrange the views in a perspective by moving a view to a new docking location in the perspective.

  1. Click in the title bar of the view that you want to move.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the view to the new area.

    As you move the view, the drop cursor icon changes appearance to help you determine where the view can be docked.

    Table 1. Drop cursors
    Drop cursor Cursor name Description
    Dock Above cursor image 
								  Dock Above Dock above the view that is under the cursor.
    Dock Below cursor image 
								  Dock Below Dock below the view that is under the cursor.
    Dock to the Right cursor image 
								  Dock to the Right Dock to the right of the view under the cursor.
    Dock to the Left cursor image 
								  Dock to the Left Dock to the left of the view under the cursor.
    Stack cursor image 
								  Stack The view appears as a tab in the view under the cursor.
    Restricted cursor image 
								  Restricted The view cannot be docked. For example, a view cannot be docked in an editor.
  3. When the view is in position, release the left mouse button to drop the view onto the new location.

    When you close the application, the new configuration is saved.

Related concepts
Perspective Shortcut Bar
Related tasks
Moving the Perspective Shortcut Bar
Resetting an Active Perspective to its Default Appearance
Resetting an Inactive Perspective to its Default Appearance

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: