Perspective Shortcut Bar

Use the Perspective shortcut bar to quickly access open perspectives.

You can also open a perspective using the Open Perspective button Open Perspective icon
		  on the shortcut bar. Multiple perspectives can be open, but only one perspective can be active at a time. When you select a perspective from the Perspective shortcut bar, it becomes the active perspective. Any perspective that you open, but do not close, appears on the Perspective shortcut bar.

You can rearrange the order of the perspectives by dragging and dropping the perspective tabs in the shortcut bar.

By default, the Perspective shortcut bar is docked horizontally in the top-right corner. It can also be docked under the main toolbar or vertically to the left of a perspective. Right-click the shortcut bar to change the docking location.

Related concepts
Related tasks
Rearranging Views in a Perspective
Moving the Perspective Shortcut Bar
Resetting an Active Perspective to its Default Appearance
Resetting an Inactive Perspective to its Default Appearance

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: