Mobile Business Object Properties

Modify mobile business object properties from the Properties view.

Table 1. Mobile business object properties
Tab Contents

  • Name – the name of the mobile business object.
  • Comment – describes the mobile business object.
  • Syncable – allows the user of a mobile device to which the mobile application is downloaded to synchronize (refresh) the device with current data stored on the data source, provided that the MBO contains at least one attribute. This is usually required for a top level MBO, and is optional for a target MBO.
If the mobile business object attributes are bound to a data source, the contents of the Attributes tabs include:
  • Data Source – information about the data source from which the attributes are derived and bound. Select Change Connection Profile to change the connection profile of the same data source type, or Bind Data Source to bind or rebind the mobile business object to a data source of any supported type.
  • Definition – displays the defined attributes and any runtime credential/authentication requirements, which vary depending on the data source type. Select Edit to launch the Change Definition dialog and modify the definition. You can also create a resultset filter skeleton or add an existing resultset filter class. Select Preview to preview the mobile business object.

    Result Filters shows resultset filters and their paths.

  • Attributes mapping – Includes:
    • Attributes
      • Name – name of the attribute.
      • Datatype – attribute datatype
    • Data Source
      • Map to – data source column to which the corresponding attribute is mapped.
      • Datatype – data source column datatype to which the corresponding attribute is mapped.
      • Default Value – compatible with the corresponding datatype and used by the device application to pass to the MBO. See Datatype Default Values.

    • Advanced – unselect Hide advanced columns to display these columns, and allow you to edit their properties:
      • Filter by checkbox – select for synchronization of a device application that allows a subset of data be returned to the device based on the value specified as the filter.
      • Personalization key – key/value pair stored on the Unwired Server that can be used as attribute/parameter values at runtime.
      • Find by – analogous to a table's primary key, when set, MBO data can be searched/found using the attribute's value.

        When set, generated device client code contains FindBy methods (along with associated parameters and return types). At runtime, FindBy methods return a collection of objects that match the specified search criteria defined in the named query.

    • Click Refresh to refresh the metadata (parameters and columns). Use the Add, Delete, Delete All, Up, and Down buttons to rearrange and remove attributes.

    • Click Remap to automatically generate new mappings for unmapped attribute columns based on metadata changes of the data source to which the mobile business object (MBO) is bound.

    • Show figure button – when selected, the visual display of the attribute to tabular view column mapping displays.
  • Parameters – edit the mobile business object parameters:
    • Parameters
      • Parameter Name – name of the mobile business object parameter. Names cannot contain C# or Java reserved words.
      • Datatype – select the datatype from the drop-down list.
      • Required – select if the parameter is required. For example, a deployed MBO that contains user name and password parameters would require this information be supplied by the client.
    • Data Source
      • Argument – the parameter used by the MBO operation on the Unwired Server side when executing an MBO operation.
      • Datatype – data source datatype to which the corresponding parameter is mapped.
      • Default Value – enter a default value for the argument, or select <NULL> or <no default value> from the drop-down list. NULL is not supported for MBOs that use SAP as the backend data source.
    • Advanced – unselect Hide advanced columns to display these columns, and allow you to edit their properties:
      • Personalization key – key/value pair stored on the Unwired Server that can be used as attribute/parameter values at runtime.
      • Filter by checkbox – select for synchronization of a device application that allows a subset of data be returned to the device based on the value specified as the filter.
      • Fill From Attribute – a parameter can be mapped to an attribute of the MBO. At runtime, the value of the parameter uses the attribute value.
  • Roles – lists all logical roles assigned to the mobile business object along with all available roles. Use Add and Add All to move available roles to assigned roles, and Remove and Remove All to remove roles from a mobile business object (or double-click a role to add or remove it). Select Create to define a new role.

Lists all operations defined for the mobile business object. Select Add to define a new operation, highlight an existing operation and select Edit to modify an existing operation, or use Delete and Delete All to remove operations.

Select Bind to bind an operation to a data source, or Rebind to change an existing binding to a different data source.


Lists all relationships defined between this and other mobile business objects. Select Add to define a new relationship, highlight an existing relationship and select Edit to modify an existing relationship, or use Delete and Delete All to remove relationships.


Allows you to modify certain look-and-feel aspects of the mobile business object.

Related concepts
Previewing Mobile Business Objects
Avoiding Synchronization Conflicts
Related tasks
Creating Attributes for a Mobile Business Object
Creating Operations for a Mobile Business Object
Creating the Mobile Business Object using the Mobile Business Object Icon
Binding Data Sources to Mobile Business Objects

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: