sp_iqstatus returns error on Chinese and Japanese locale installations [CR 622928]

On Chinese and Japanese locale Sybase IQ servers, running sp_iqstatus returns an error similar to:

Could not execute statement.
Syntax error near '2010' on line 1
SQLCODE=-131, ODBC 3 State="42000"
Line 1, column 1

The workaround for this problem is:

  1. Stop the server.

  2. For Chinese locales, remove dblgzh_iq11.dll from %IQDIR15%\bin32 (for 32-bit installations) or %IQDIR15%\bin64 (for 64-bit installations)

    For Japanese locales, remove dblgja_iq11.dll from %IQDIR15%\bin32 (for 32-bit installations) or %IQDIR15%\bin64 (for 64-bit installations)

  3. Restart the server.

After this workaround, certain strings in the .iqmsg files and the output of sp_iqmpxinfo, sp_iqstatistics, and sp_iqstatus will be in English instead of Chinese or Japanese.