Documentation for this version

Product packaging has changed for Sybase IQ 15.1. Along with the packaging changes, there are documentation changes. The documentation is now consolidated on two pieces of media. All the information you need to get started and to use the new features in Sybase IQ 15.1 is on the Sybase IQ Getting Started CD and the Sybase IQ SyBooks™ CD.

Table 1 lists documentation on the Sybase IQ 15.1 Getting Started CD.

Table 1: Sybase IQ 15.1 Getting Started CD contents

Part Number

Book Title


Quick Start


Release Bulletin for IBM AIX


Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM AIX

Table 2 lists Sybase IQ documentation on the Sybase IQ 15.1 SyBooks CD.

Table 2: Sybase IQ SyBooks contents

Part Number

Book Title


New Features Summary Sybase IQ 15.1


New Features in Sybase IQ 15.0


Error Messages


Introduction to Sybase IQ


Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures


Reference: Statements and Options


System Administration Guide: Volume 1


System Administration Guide: Volume 2


Using Sybase IQ Multiplex


User-Defined Functions Guide


IMSL Numerical Library User’s Guide: Volume 2 of 2 C Stat Library

Table 3 lists the Sybase IQ 15.1 documents included in the final stage of the release.

Table 3: Sybase IQ documents available online late July, 2009

Part Number

Book Title


Sybase IQ Performance and Tuning Guide


Sybase IQ Utility Guide


Large Objects Management in Sybase IQ


Advanced Security in Sybase IQ


New Features in Sybase IQ 15.0

Check the Sybase Web site Product Manuals for the latest available versions of the Sybase IQ 15.1 documents.

Please note these changes to the documentation set in Sybase IQ 15.1:

NoteSybase IQ and SQL Anywhere Because Sybase IQ is an extension of SQL Anywhere Server, a component of the SQL Anywhere package, Sybase IQ supports many of the same features as SQL Anywhere Server. The IQ documentation set refers you to SQL Anywhere documentation, where appropriate. Only a subset of the functionality in the SQL Anywhere documentation is supported by Sybase IQ. For more information, refer to Appendix A, “Compatibility with Other Sybase Databases” in Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures.

You may also need to refer to this SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 documentation, which is included on the SyBooks CD:

The SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 documentation is also available online on the Sybase Web site Product Manuals and in DocCommentXchange.

NoteSome of the Sybase IQ books now contain links directly to online SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 documentation sections referenced in the Sybase IQ documentation.

Documentation included for Sybase Software Asset Management (SySAM):