These are very brief descriptions for Adaptive Server monitoring tables. See Reference Manual: Tables for complete information, or the Monitoring Tables Diagram poster for a visual presentation of the tables, columns, and the relationships between tables.
Stores statistics for all tables, partitions, and indexes with pages currently in a data cache.Columns: CacheID, InstanceID, DBID, IndexID, PartitionID, CachedKB, CacheName, ObjectID, DBName, OwnerUserID, OwnerName, ObjectName, PartitionName, ObjectType, TotalSizeKB, ProcessesAccessing
Stores statistics for all pools allocated for all data caches. Columns: CacheID, InstanceID, IOBufferSize, AllocatedKB, PhysicalReads, Stalls, PagesTouched, PagesRead, BuffersToMRU, BuffersToLRU, CacheName, LogicalReads, PhysicalWrites, APFReads, APFPercentage, WashSize
Stores statistics for all stored procedures, triggers, and compiled plans currently stored in the procedure cache. Columns: ObjectID, InstanceID, OwnerUID, DBID, PlanID, MemUsageKB, CompileDate, ObjectName, ObjectType, OwnerName, DBName, RequestCnt, TempdbRemapCnt, AvgTempdbRemapTime, ExecutionCount, CPUTime, ExecutionTime, PhysicalReads, LogicalReads, PhysicalWrites, PagesWritten
Stores detailed monitoring information about the statement cache, including information about resources used during the previous executions of a statement, how frequently a statement is executed, the settings in effect for a particular plan, the number of concurrent uses of a statement, and so on. Columns: SSQLID, HashKey, UserID, SUserID, DBID, DBName, CachedDate, LastUsedDate, CurrentUsageCount, StatementSize, MaxUsageCount, SessionSettings, ParallelDegree, QuotedIdentifier, TransactionIsolationLevel, TransactionMode, SAAuthorization, SystemCatalogUpdates, ExecutionMetrics, MetricsCount, MaxElapsedTime, MinElapsedTime, AvgElapsedTime, MaxLIO, MinLIO, AvgLIO, MaxPIO, MinPIO, AvgPIO, NumRecompilesPlanFlushes, NumRecompilesSchemaChanges, MaxPlanSize, MinPlanSize, LastRecompiledDate, UseCount, HasAutoParams, OptimizationGoal, OptimizerLevel
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Provides summary figures for total messaging within the cluster, as viewed from the current instance or all instances. Columns: InstanceID, ReceiveCount, TransmitCount, Multicast, Synchronous, ReceiveSoftError, ReceiveHardError, TransmitsSoftError, TransmitHardError, Retransmits, Switches, FailedSwitches, RegularBuffersInUse, FreeRegularBuffers, MaxRegularBuffersInUse, LargeBuffersInUse, FreeLargeBuffers, MaxLargeBuffersInUse
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Provides a detailed summary, giving traffic data for each subsystem within the cluster instance. Columns: InstanceID, ReceiveCount, TransmitCount, ReceiveBytes, TransmitBytes, ReceiveQ, MaxReceiveQ, DoneQ, MaxDoneQ, MaxRecvQTime, AvgRecvQTime, EndPoint
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Monitors the state of the links between instances in the cluster. Columns: InstanceID, LocalInterface, RemoteInterface, PassiveState, PassiveStateAge, ActiveState, ActiveStateAge
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Gves summary figures for the mesh of connections, from the current instance to all other instances in the cluster, on a per-instance basis. Columns: InstanceID, FarInstanceID, , Received, Dropped, Transmitted, Resent, Retry, ControlRx, ControlTx, SendQ, MaxSendQ, SentQ, MaxSentQ, MaxSendQTime, AvgSendQTime, Mesh, MinRTT, MaxRTT, AverageRTT
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Collects cluster lock information. Columns: InstanceID, DBID, Object_PartitionID, LockRequests, LocalMaster, Waited, Granted, RWConflictWaited, AvgRWConflictWaitTime, MaxRWConflictWaitTime, WWConflictWaited, AvgWWConflictWaitTime, MaxWWConflictWaitTime, ClusterMsgWaits, AvgClusterMsgWaitTime, MaxClusterMsgWaitTime, DowngradeReqRecv, DowngradeReqRecvWithNoBlocker, ClusterDeadlock, Locktype
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Stores diagnostic information about the cluster cache manager daemon running on each instance. monClusterCacheManager reports cluster-wide information on a per-instance basis. Columns: InstanceID, RequestsQueued, RequestsRequeued, RequestsServiced, DiskWrites, SleepCount, DaemonName, TransfersInitiated, Downgrades, Releases, AvgServiceTime, MaxQSize
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Tracks the time at which the cluster membership service (CMS) detects the failure, gets a new cluster view, resynchronizes the heartbeat, posts the failure event, and completes the failure event. Columns: InstanceID, FailedInstanceID, FailDetectTime, InitViewTime, FinalViewTime, ResynchHBTime, NotifyFailTime, EventdoneTime
Stores statistics relating to Adaptive Server data caches. Columns: CacheID, InstanceID, RelaxedReplacement, BufferPools, CacheSearches, PhysicalReads, LogicalReads, PhysicalWrites, Stalls, CachePartitions, CacheName, Status, Type, CacheSize, ReplacementStrategy, APFReads, Overhead
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Contains rows from all instances in the cluster and contains rows for every database that contributes to recovery. Columns: DBID, InstanceID, MaxOpenXacts, MaxPFTSEntries, Buckets, LogBTotPages, LogBTotAPFWaited, LogBTotIO, AnlTotRec, AnlPhase1Recs, AnlPhase1RedoRecs, AnlPhase2Recs, AnlPhase2RedoRecs, AnlTotPages, AnlTotAPFWaited, AnlTotIO, RedoOps, RedoOpsNotRedonePFTS, RedoOpsRedonePFTS, RedoOpsRedoneTS, RedoOpsNotRedoneTS, RedoLogTotPages, RedoLogTotAPFWaited, RedoLogTotIO, RedoRecTotPage, RedoRecTotAPFWaited, RedoRecTotIO, UndoRecsUndone, UndoLogTotPages, UndoLogTotAPFWaited, UndoLogTotIO, UndoRecTotPages, UndoRecTotAPFWaited, UndoRedTotIO, DBName, FailedInstanceID, Command, RecType, LobBStartTime, LogBEndTime, AnlStartTime, AnlEndTime, RedoStartTime, RedoEndTime, UndoStartTime, UndoEndTime
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Tracks log records seen during recovery. Contains a row for each log record type for which at least one log record was seen by recovery. Columns: DBID ,InstanceID ,NumRecs, LogRecType
Provides information about deadlocks. Use deadlock pipe max messages to tune the maximum number of messages returned. Columns: DeadLockID, VictimKPID, InstanceID, ResolveTime, ObjectDBID, PageNumber, RowNumber, HeldFamilyId, HeldSPID, HeldKPID, HeldProcDBID, HeldProcedureID, HeldBatchID, HeldContextID, HeldLineNumber, WaitFamilyId, WaitSPID, WaitKPID, WaitTime, ObjectName, HeldUserName, HeldApplName, HeldTranName, HeldLockType, HeldCommand, WaitUserName, WaitLockType, HeldSourceCodeID, WaitSourceCodeID, HeldClientApplName, HeldClientName, HeldClientHostName, HeldHostName, HeldNumLocks, HeldProcDBName, HeldProcedureName, HeldStmtNumber, ObjectDBName, ObjectID, WaitApplName, WaitBatchID, WaitClientAppleName, WaitClientHostName, WaitClientName, WaitCommand, WaitContextID, WaitHostName, WaitLineNumber, WaitProcDBID, WaitProcDBName, WaitProcedureID, WaitProcedureName, WaitStmtNumber, WaitTranName
Returns statistical information relating to activity on database devices. Columns: InstanceID, Reads, APFReads, Writes, DevSemaphoreRequests, DevSemaphoreWaits, IOTime, LogicalName, PhysicalName
Provides information about the file systems on which database devices are allocated. Space information is available only for file system devices. Columns: InstanceID, VDevNo, LogicalName, PhysicalName, DeviceSizeMB, FileSystemName, FileSystemSizeMB, FileSystemFreeMB
Provides statistics regarding Adaptive Server engines. Columns: EngineNumber, ThreadID, InstanceID, CurrentKPID, PreviousKPID, CPUTime, SystemCPUTime, UserCPUTime, IOCPUTime, IdleCPUTime, Yields, Connections, DiskIOChecks, DiskIOPolled, DiskIOCompleted, MaxOutstandingIOs, ProcessesAffinitied, ContextSwitches, HkgcMaxQSize, HkgcPendingItems, HkgcHWMItems, HkgcOverflows, Status, Starttime, StopTime, AffinitiedToCPU, OSPID
Returns the most recent error messages from the Adaptive Server error log. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, FamilyID, EngineNumber, ErrorNumber, Severity, State, Time, ErrorMessage
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Contains aggregated failover recovery diagnostic information for the cluster lock manager (CLM), database recovery, and cluster membership service (CMS) modules. Columns: InstanceID, ModuleName, FailedInstanceID, StartTime, EndTime
Provides information about I/O controllers. Columns are: InstanceID, ControllerID, KTID, EngineNumber, BlockingPolls, NonBlockingPolls, EventPolls, NonBlockingEventPolls, FullPolls, Events, EventHWM, Pending, Completed, Reads, Writes, Deferred, Type
Provides device I/O statistics displayed as data and log I/O for normal and temporary databases on each device. Columns: InstanceID, IOs, IOTime, LogicalName, IOType
Provides a list of all licences currently checked out by the Adaptive Server. Columns: InstanceID, Quantity, Name, Edition, Type, Version, Status, LicenseExpiry, GraceExpiry, LicenseID, Filter, Attributes
Returns a list of granted locks and pending lock requests. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, DBID, ParentSPID, LockID, Context, DBName, ObjectID, LockState, LockType, LockLevel, WaitTIme, PageNumber, RowNumber, BlockedBy, BlockedState, SourceCodeID
Provides information about lock timeouts. Columns: InstanceID, LockWaitPeriod, LockTimeoutLevel, ObjectDBID, ObjectDBName, ObjectID, ObjectName, PageNumber, RowNumber, ExpiredAtTime, HeldSPID, HeldKPID, HeldUserName, HeldApplName, HeldHostName, HeldClientName, HeldClientApplName, HeldClientHostName, HeldTranName, HeldCommand, HeldFamilyID, HeldProcDBID, HeldProcDBName, HeldProcDBName, HeldProcedureName, HeldBatchID, HeldContextID, HeldLineNumber, HeldStmtNumber, HeldLockType, HeldNumLocks, HeldNumTimeoutsCausedByTran, HeldNumTimeoutsCausedByLock, HeldSourceCodeID, WaitSPID, WaitKPID, WaitUserName, WaitApplName, WaitHostName, WaitClientName, WaitClientApplName, WaitClientHostName, WaitTranName, WaitCommand, WaitFamilyID, WaitProcDBID, WaitProcDBName, WaitProcedureNamem, WaitBatchID, WaitContextID, WaitLineNumber, WaitStmtNumber, WaitLockType, WaitNumTimeoutsCausedByTran, WaitSourceCodeID, HeldProcedureID, WaitProcedureID
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Displays information about the logical clusters currently configured on the system. Columns: LCID, Attributes, ActiveConnections, BaseInstances, ActiveBaseInstances, FailoverInstances, ActiveFailoverInstances, Name, State, DownRoutingMode, FailoverMode, StartupMode, SystemView, Roles, LoadProfile, ActionnRelease, Gather
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Shows all administrative actions against local clusters from start-up until these actions are released. Columns: Handle, State, LCID, LogicalClusterName, Action, FromInstances, ToInstances, InstancesWaiting, WaitType, StartTime, Deadline, CompleteTime, ConnectionsRemaining, NonMigConnections, NonHAConnections
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Displays information about the many-to-many relationship between instances and logical clusters. Columns: LCID, LogicalClusterName, InstanceID, InstanceName, Type, FailoverGroup, State, ActiveConnections, NonMigConnections, NonHAConnections, LoadScore
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Displays information about the configured routes (application, login, and alias bindings). Columns: LCID, LogicalClusterName, RouteType, RouteKey
Returns network I/O statistics for all communication between Adaptive Server and client connections. Columns: InstanceID, PacketsSent, PacketsReceived, BytesSent, BytesReceived
Provides state and statistical information pertaining to databases that are currently in the server’s metadata cache. Columns: DBID, InstanceID, BackupInProgress, LastBackupFailed, TransactionLogFull, AppendLogRequests, AppendLogWaits, DBName, BackupStartTime, SuspendedProcesses, QuiesceTag, LastCheckpointTime, LastTranLogDumpTime
Provides statistics for all open tables and indexes. Columns: DBID, ObjectID, IndexID, InstanceID, DBName, ObjectName, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, APFReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites, PagesWritten, RowsInserted, RowsDeleted, RowsUpdated, Operations, LockRequests, LockWaits, OptSelectCount, LastOptSelectDate, UsedCount, LastUsedDate, HkgcRequests, HkgcPending, HkgcOverflows, PhysicalLocks, PhsycialLocksRetained, PhysicalLocksRetainWaited, PhysicalLocksDeadlocks, PhysicalLocksWaited, PhysicalLocksPageTransfer, TransferReqWaited, AvgPhysicalLocksWaitTime, AvgTransferReqWaitTime, TotalServiceRequests, PhysicalLocksDowngraded, PagesTransferred, ClusterPageWrites, AvgServiceTime, AvgTimeWaitedOnLocalUsers, AvgTransferSendWaitTime, AvgIOServiceTime, AvgDowngradeServiceTime, SharedLockWaitTime, ExclusiveLockWaitTime, UpdateLockWaitTime, ObjectCacheDate
Provides information about the use of each open partition on the server. Columns: DBID, ObjectID, IndexID, PartitionID, InstanceID, DBName, ObjectName, PartitionName, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, APFReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites, PagesWritten, RowsInserted, RowsDeleted, RowsUpdated, OptSelectCount, LastOptSelectDate, UsedCount, LastUsedDate, HkgcRequests, HkgcPending, HkgcOverflows, PhysicalLocks, PhsycialLocksRetained, PhysicalLocksRetainWaited, PhysicalLocksDeadlocks, PhysicalLocksWaited, PhysicalLocksPageTransfer, TransferReqWaited, AvgPhysicalLockWaitTime, AvgTransferReqWaitTime, TotalServiceRequests, PhysicalLocksDowngraded, PagesTransferred, ClusterPageWrites, AvgServiceTime, AvgTimeWaitedOnLocalUsers, AvgTransferSendWaitTime, AvgIOServiceTime, AvgDowngradeServiceTime, ObjectCacheDate
Contains information about the Java PCI Bridge. Columns: InstanceID, Status, ConfiguredSlots, ActiveSlots, ConfiguredPCIMemoryKB, UsedPCIMemoryKB
Displays engine information for the PCI Bridge and its plug-ins. Columns: InstanceID, Engine, Status, PLBStatus, NumberofActiveThreads, PLBRequests, PLBwakeupRequests
Contains information about the plug-in bound to each slot in the PCI Bridge. Columns: InstanceID, Slot, Status, Modulename, engine
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Tracks the peer coordination module (PCM) client activities in the cluster, and contains a row for each PCM client. Columns: InstanceID, Sent, Fragments_sent, Fragments_received, Received, Reply, Unicast, Mulicat, Sync, Async, MinBytes, AvgBytes, MaxBytes , MinDialog, AvgDialog, MaxDialog, Dialog, MinTimeSyncApi, AvgTimeSyncApi, MaxTimeSyncApi, MinTimeAsyncApi, AvgTimeAsyncApi, MaxTimeAsyncApi, MinTimeCIPCMsgAlloc, AvgTimeCIPCMsgAlloc, MaxTimeCIPCMsgAlloc, MinTimeCIPCSendCB, AvgTimeCIPCSendCB , MaxTimeCIPCSendCB, MinTimeCIPCUnicastsmsg, AvgTimeCIPCUnicastsmsg, MaxTimeCIPCUnicastsmsg, MinTimeCIPCMulticastsmsg, AvgTimeCIPCMulticastsmsg, MaxTimeCIPCMulticastsmsg, MinTimeClientRecvCB, AvgTimeClientRecvCB, MaxTimeClientRecvCB, ModuleName
Returns statistics relating to Adaptive Server procedure cache. Columns: Requests, Loads, Writes, Stalls, InstanceID
Includes one row for each procedure cache allocator. Columns: InstanceID, AllocatorID, ModuleID, Active, HWM, ChunkHWM, AllocatorName, NumReuseCaused
Includes one row for each module that allocates memory from procedure cache. Columns: InstanceID, ModuleID, Active, HWM, NumPagesReused, ModuleName
Provides detailed statistics about processes that are currently executing or waiting. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, ServerUserID, BatchID, ContextID, LineNumber, SecondsConnected, DBID, EngineNumber, Priority, FamilyID, Login, Application, Command, NumChildren, SecondsWaiting, WaitEventID, BlockingSPID, BlockingXLOID, DBName, EngineGroupName, ExecutionClass, MasterTransactionID, HostName, ClientName, ClientHostName,ClientApplName
Provides detailed statistics about process activity. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, ServerUserID, CPUTime, WaitTime, PhysicalReads, LogicalReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites, PagesWritten, MemUsageKB, LocksHeld, TableAccesses, IndexAccesses, WorkTables, TempDbObjects, ULCBytesWritten, ULCFlushes, ULCFlushFull, ULCMaxUsage, ULCCurrentUsage, Transactions, Commits, Rollbacks, HostName, Application, ClientName, ClientHostName, ClientApplName
Provides identifying information about each process on the server. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, Login, Application, ClientHost, ClientIP, ClientOSPID, ClientName, ClientHostName, ClientApplName
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Displays information about the connection currently migrating. Columns: SPID, KPID, LogicalCluster, Instance, MigrationLogicalCluster, MigrationInstance, Command
Provides the network I/O activity information for each process. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, NetworkPacketSize, PacketSent, PacketsReceived, BytesSent, BytesRecieved, NetworkEngineNumber
Provides statistical information regarding objects currently being accessed by processes. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, DBID, ObjectID, PartitionID, IndexID, OwnerUserID, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, PhysicalAPFReads, DBName, ObjectName, PartitionName, ObjectType, PartitionSize
Returns a list of all procedures being executed by processes. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, DBID, OwnerUID, ObjectID, PlanID, MemUsageKB, CompileDate, ContextID, LineNumber, DBName, OwnerName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ExecutionCount, CPUTime, ExecutionTime, PhysicalReads, LogicalReads, PhysicalWrites, PagesWritten
Provides the SQL text currently being executed by the process. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, ServerUserID, BatchID, LineNumber, SequenceInLine, SQLText
Provides information about the statement currently executing. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, DBID, ProcedureID, PlanID, BatchID, ContextID, LineNumber, CPUTime, WaitTime, MemUsageKB, PhysicalReads, LogicalReads, PagesModified, PacketsSent, PacketsReceived, NetworkPacketSize, PlansAltered, RowsAffected, DBName, StartTime
Provides a list of all wait events for which current processes on the server are waiting. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, ServerUserID, WaitEventID, Waits, WaitTime
Provides statistics for the activity of each currently configured worker process. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, ThreadsActive, MaxParallelDegree, MaxScanParallelDegree, ParallelQueries, PlansAltered, FamilyID
Collects information from monitor counters updated by Replication Agent. Columns: DBID, SPID, InstanceID, LogRecordsScanned, LogRecordsProcessed, NumberOfScans, TotalTimeForLogScans, LongestTimeForLogScans, AvgTimeForLogScans, Updates, Inserts, Deletes, StoredProcedures, SQLStatements, DDL, Writetext, LobColumns, CLRs, Checkpoints, BeginTransaction, CommitTransaction, AbortedTransaction, PreparedTransaction, DelayedCommit, MaintenanceUserTransaction, NumberOfLogExtentions, TotalTimeOfLogExtentions, LongestTimeOfLogExtentions, AvgTimeOfLogExtentions, MaxHashSchemaSize, NumberOfSchemasReused, NumberOfSchemaFwdLookup, TotalTimeOfSchemaFwdLookup, LongestTimeOfSchemaFwdLookup, AvgTimeOfSchemaFwdLookup, NumberOfSchemaBckwLookup, TotalTimeOfSchemaBckwLookup, LongestTimeOfSchemaBckwLookup, AvgTimeOfSchemaBckwLookup, NumberOfMempoolAllocates, NumberOfMempoolFrees, MempoolCurrentSize, MempoolHighUsage, DBName
Provides information on where the Rep Agent Scanner task is spending its time. Columns: DBID, SPID, InstanceID, EngineBinding, LogRecordsScanned, LogrecordsProcessed, NumberOfTruncPointRequested, NumberOfTruncPointMoved, DBName, Status, SleepStatus, StartMarker, EndMarker, CurrentMarker, OldestTransaction
Provides information on where the Rep Agent Scanner task is spending its time. Columns: DBID, SPID, InstanceID, LogRecProcessed, BytesPacked, TotalTime, MRPBootstrapTime, ScanTime, ProcessTime, SchemaLookupsTime, PackTime, QueueingTime, HashBindingSize, HashBindingEntries, HashBindingCollisions, YieldsOnFullQueue, WaitsOnSenderThread, WaitTimeOnSenderThread, LongestWaitOnSenderThread
Provides processing information about Rep Agent Sender tasks. Columns: DBID, SPID, InstanceID, EngineBinding, MessageQueueSize, MessagesInQueue, NumberOfScannerYields, NumberOfScannerSleeps, NumberOfBytesSent, LastRepServerError, NumberOfRetries, SleepsOnEmptyQueue, NumberOfQueueFlushes, SleepTimeOnEmptyQueue, LongestSleepTimeOnEmptyQueue, MaxQueueSize, DBName, Dataserver, ReplicationServer, Username, Status, SleepStatus
Provides statistics for SQL statements that were successfully replicated on all open objects. Columns: DBID, ObjectID, InstanceID, DBName, ObjectName, UpdateStmts, InsertSelectStmts, DeleteStmts, SelectIntoStmts, RowsThreshold
Provides statistics for SQL statements that were not successfully replicated for all open objects. Columns: DBID, ObjectID, InstanceID, DBName, ObjectName, Threshold, QueryLimitation, Configuration
Provides information regarding the overall state of Adaptive Server. Columns: InstanceID, LockWaitThreshold, LockWaits, DaysRunning, CheckPoints, NumDeadlocks, Diagnostic Dumps, Connections, MaxRecovery, Transactions, StartDate, CountersCleared
Provides statistical information about the statement cache. Columns: InstanceID, TotalSizeKB, UsedSizeKB, NumStatements, NumSearches, HitCount, NumInserts, NumRemovals, NumRecompilesSchemaChanges, NumRecompilesPlanFlushes
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Provides trended statistics on a per-engine basis. Columns: InstanceID, EngineNumber, SteadyState, Avg_1min, Avg_5min, Avg_15min, Max_1min, Max_5min, Max_15min, Max_1min_Time, Max_5min_Time, Max_15min_Time, Statistic, Sample, Peak, Peak_time, StatisticID
Provides the history of the query plans for recently executed queries. Columns: PlanID, InstanceID, SPID, KPID, BatchID, ContextID, SequenceNumber, DBID, ProcedureID, DBName, PlanText
Provides the most recently executed SQL text, or the SQL text currently executing. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, ServerUserID, BatchID, SequenceInBatch, SQLText
Provides a history of the most recently executed statements on the server. Columns: SPID, InstanceID, KPID, DBID, ProcedureID, PlanID, BatchID, ContextID, LineNumber, CpuTime, WaitTime, MemUsageKB, PhysicalReads, LogicalReads, PagesModified, PacketsSent, PacketsReceived, NetworkPacketSize, PlansAltered, RowsAffected, ErrorStatus, HashKey, SsqlId, ProcNestLevel, StatementNumber, DBName, StartTime, EndTime
Provides a server-wide view of the statistics for events on which processes have waited. Columns: InstanceID, WaitEventID, WaitTime, Waits
Returns server-wide statistics related to worker thread configuration and execution. Columns: InstanceID, ThreadsActive, TotalWorkerThreads, HighWater, ParallelQueries, PlansAltered, WorkerMemory, TotalWorkerMemory, WorkerMemoryHWM, MaxParallelDegree, MaxScanParallelDegree
Describes all the columns for each monitoring table. Columns: TableID, ColumnID, TypeID, Precision, Scale, Length, Indicators, TableName, ColumnName, TypeName, Description, Label, Language
Contains the table’s compression history. Columns: InstanceID, DBID, TableID, PartitionID, TableName, CompRowInserted, CompRowUpdated, CompRowForward, CompRowScan, RowPageDecompressed, RowDecompressed, ColDecompressed, RowCompNoneed, PageCompNoneed, PagesCompressed, BytesSavedPageLevel
Provides a description for all columns in a monitoring table used to optimize query performance for the monitoring tables. Columns: TableID, ParameterID, TypeID, Precision, Scale, Length, TableName, ParameterName, TypeName, Description
Provides a description of all monitoring tables. Columns: TableID, Columns, Parameters, Indicators, Size, TableName, Description, Language
MonTableTransfer provides historical transfer information for tables in Adaptive Server’s active memory. Columns: InstanceID, DBID, TableID, TableName, SequenceID, TrackingID, PercentDone, BeginTime, EndTime, EndCode, TransferFloor, TransferCeiling, RowsSent, BytesSent, Format
Specific to Adaptive Server in threaded mode, contains one row for each task. Columns: InstanceID, KTID, ThreadPoolID, ThreadID, KPID, SPID, Name, ThreadPoolName
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Provides statistics for all open local temporary databases, including global system tempdb when the instance is started in tempdb configuration mode. Columns: DBID InstanceID, DBName, AppendLogRequest, AppendLogWaits, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, APFReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites, PagesWritten, LockRequests, LockWaits, CatLockRequests, CatLockWaits, AssignedCnt, SharableTabCnt
Specific to Adaptive Server in threaded mode: Contains one row for each thread. Columns: InstanceID, ThreadID, KTID, OSThreadID, AltOSThreadID, ThreadPoolID, State, ThreadAffinity, ThreadPoolName, TaskRuns, TotalTicks, IdleTicks, SleepTicks, BusyTicks, UserTime, SystemTime, MinorFaults, MajorFaults, VoluntaryCtxtSwitches, NonVoluntaryCtxtSwitches
Specific to Adaptive Server in threaded mode: Contains one row for each thread pool. Columns: ThreadPoolID, Size, TargetSize, Tasks, ThreadPoolName, ThreadPoolDescription, Type, IdleTimeout
Provides a textual description for all of the wait classes (for example, waiting for a disk read to complete). Columns: WaitClassID, Description
Provides a textual description for every possible situation where a process is forced to wait within Adaptive Server. Columns: WaitEventID, WaitClassID, Description, Language
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Displays the workload score for each logical cluster on each instance according to its load profile. Columns: LCID, InstanceID, LoadProfileID, LoadScore, ConnectionsScore, CpuScore, RunQueueScore, IoLoadScore, EngineScore, UserScore, LogicalClusterName, InstanceName, LoadProfileName
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Provides an estimate of how a load profile impacts the workload score without enabling the profile. Columns: InstanceID, LoadProfileID, LoadScore, ConnectionScore, CpuScore, RunQueueScore, IoLoadScore, EngineScore, UserScore, InstanceName, LoadProfileName
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Displays currently configured workload profiles. Columns: ProfileID, ConnectionsWeight, CpuWeight, RunQueueWeight, IoLoadWeight, EngineWeight, UserWeight, LoginThreshold, DynamicThreshold, Hysteresis, Name, Type
(Specific to the Cluster Edition) Provides the raw workload statistics for each instance. You need not have the mon_role role to query this monitor table. Columns: InstanceID, ConnectionsRaw, CpuRaw, RunQueueRaw, IoLoadRaw, EngineRaw, UserRaw, InstanceName
Provides information on work queues. Columns: InstanceID, CurrentLength, MaxLength, TotalRequests, QueuedRequests, WaitTime, Name