These are the syntax and very brief descriptions for Adaptive Server utilities. See Utility Guide for complete information.
The executable form of the Backup Server program.
backupserver [-C server_connections] [-S b_servername] [-I interfaces_file] [-e error_log_file] [-M sybmultbuf_binary] [-N network_connections] [-T trace_value] [-L Sybase_language_name] [-J Sybase_character_set_name] [-c tape_config_file] [-D n] [-A pathname] [-P active_service_threads] [-V level_number] [-p n] [-m max_shared_memory]
Or: backupserver -v
Copies a database table to or from an operating system file in a user-specified format.
bcp [[database_name.]owner.]table_name [: [ partition_id | slice_number ] | partition partition_name] {in | out} datafile [-f formatfile] [-e errfile] [-d discardfileprefix] [-F firstrow] [-L lastrow] [-b batchsize] [-m maxerrors] [-n] [-c] [-t field_terminator] [-r row_terminator] [-U username] [-P password] [-I interfaces_file] [-S server] [-a display_charset] [-z language] [-A packet_size] [-J client_charset] [-T text_or_image_size] [-E] [-g id_start_value] [-N] [-W] [-X] [-M LabelName LabelValue] [-labeled] [-K keytab_file] [-R remote_server_principal] [-C] [-V [security_options]] [-Z security_mechanism] [-Q] [-Y] [-y sybase directory] [-x trusted.txt_file] [--maxconn maximum_connections [--show-fi] [--hide-vcc] [--colpasswd [[[database_name.[owner].table_name.]column_name [password]]] [--keypasswd [[database_name.[owner].]key_name [password]]] [--initstring ‘Transact-SQL_command’]
bcp -v
Converts a server certificate request to a CA- (certificate authority) signed certificate.
certauth [-r] [-C caCert_file] [-Q request_filename] [-K caKey_filename] [-N serial_number [-O SignedCert_filename] [-P caPassword] [-s start_time] [-T valid_time]
Or: certauth -v
Export or import a PKCS #12 file into a certificates file and a private key.
certpk12 {-O Pkcs12_file | -I Pkcs12_file} [-C Cert_file] [-K Key_file] [-P key_password] [-E Pkcs12_password]
Or: certpk12 -v
Creates a server certificate request and corresponding private key.
certreq [-F input_file] [-R request_filename] [-K PK_filename] [-P password]
Or: certreq -v
UNIX platforms only – loads the character sets and sort order files in Adaptive Server. Located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin.
charset [-Ppassword] [-Sserver] [-Iinterface] sort_order [ charset ]
Or: charset -v
Precompiler for COBOL.
Precompiler for C.
UNIX platforms only – the executable form of the Adaptive Server program.
dataserver [-f] [-g] [-G] [-h] [-H] [-m] [-q] [-v] [-X] [-a path_to_CAPs_directive_file] [-b master_device_size [k | K | m | M | g | G | t | T] ] [-c config_file_for_server] [-d device_name] [-e path_to_error_log] [-i interfaces_file_directory] [-K keytab_file] [-L config_file_name_for_connectivity] [-M shared_memory_repository_directory] [-N licinstant] [-n sa_login_name [-p sa_login_name] [-r mirror_disk_name] [-s server_name] [-T trace_flag] [-u sa/sso_name] [-w master | model database] [-y [password] ] [-z page_size [ k | K ] ]
Syntax for the Cluster Edition:
dataserver -u, --admin-name=sa/sso_name --buildquorum=[force] -a, --caps-file=filename -F, --cluster-input=filename --cluster-takeover -L, --conn-config-file=[filename] --create-cluster-id [=quorum] -D, --default-db-size=size_spec -e, --error-log=[filename] -G, --event-log-server=logserv_name -f, --forcebuild -H, --ha-server -h, --help=[{0|1|2|3}[,display_width]] --instance=instance_name -y, --key-password=[key_password] -K, --keytab-file=filename -N, --license-prop-file=filename -z, --logical-page-size=page_size -Z, --master-db-size=size_spec -d, --master-dev=master_device_name -b, --master-dev-size=[size_spec] --master_key_password [=password] -r, --master-mirror=filename -m, --masterrecover -g, --no-event-logging -Q, --quorum-dev=quorum_dev -q, --recover-quiesced -w, --rewrite-db=database_name -p, --sa-name={SSO_login_account | sso_role | sa_role} -k, --server-principal=s_principal -M, --shared-mem-dir=directory_name -X, --sybmon -T, --trace=trace_flag -v, --version
dataserver -v
A Java-based tool that generates definitions for server- and database-level objects in Adaptive Server.
ddlgen -Ulogin -Ppassword -S[[ssl:]server | host_name : port_number] [-I interfaces_file] [-Tobject_type] [-Nobject_name] [-Ddbname] [-Xextended_object_type] [-Ooutput_file] [-Eerror_file] [-Lprogress_log_file] [-Jclient_charset] [-LC -N logical_cluster_name -F[ % | SGM | GRP | USR | R | D | UDD | U | V | P | XP | I | RI | KC | TR | PC ]
ddlgen -v
Copies definitions for specified views, rules, defaults, triggers, or procedures from a database to an operating-system file or from an operating-system file to a database.
defncopy [-X] [-a display_charset] [-I interfaces_file] [-J [client_charset]] [-K keytab_file] [-P password] [-R remote_server_principal] [-S [server_name]] [-U username] [-V security_options] [-Z security_mechanism] [-z language] { in file_name database_name | out file_name database_name [owner.]object_name [[owner.]object_name...] }
Or: defncopy -v
UNIX platforms only – allows you to view and edit server entries in the interfaces file from the command line in UNIX platforms. Located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/bin.
dscp [-p]
Or: dscp -v
On UNIX platforms – the dsedit utility allows you to view and edit server entries in the interfaces file using a GUI based on X11/Motif in UNIX platforms. On Windows – the dsedit.exe utility creates and modifies network connection information in the interfaces file..
Or: dsedit -v
Copies a retained JAR and the classes it contains from an Adaptive Server into a client file.
extractjava (extrjava in Windows) -j jar_name -f file_name [-S server_name] [-U user_name] [-P password] [-D database_name] [-I interfaces_file] [-a display_charset] [-J client_charset] [-z language] [-t timeout] [-v]
Or: extractjava -v
Installs a JAR from a client file into an Adaptive Server.
installjava -f file_name [ -new | -update ] [ -j jar_name ] [ -S server_name ] [ -U user_name ] [ -P password ] [ -D database_name ] [ -I interfaces_file ] [ -a display_charset ] [ -J client_charset ] [ -z language ] [ -t timeout ] [-v]
Or: installjava -v
Interactive SQL parser to Adaptive Server.
isql [-b] [-e] [-F] [-p] [-n] [-v] [-W] [-X] [-Y] [-Q] [-a display_charset] [-A packet_size] [-c cmdend] [-D database] [-E editor] [-h header] [-H hostname] [-i inputfile] [-I interfaces_file] [-J client_charset] [-K keytab_file] [-l login_timeout] [-m errorlevel] [-o outputfile] [-P password] [-R remote_server_principal] [-s colseparator] [-S server_name] [-t timeout] -U username [-V [security_options]] [-w columnwidth] [-z locale_name] [-Z security_mechanism] [--conceal]
Installs a new language in an Adaptive Server.
langinstall [-S server] [-U user] [-P password] [-R release_number] [-I path] language character_set
Or: langinstall -v
Displays optimizer statistics or loads updated statistics into system tables.
optdiag [binary] [simulate] statistics { -i input_file | database[.owner[.[table[.column] ] ] ] [-o output_file] } [-U user_name] [-P password] [-T trace_value] [-I interfaces_file] [-S server] [-v] [-h] [-s] [-z language] [-J client_character_set] [-a display_charset]
Performs tests on an installation or database to determine its readiness for upgrade, and reports found problems.
preupgrade [-v] [-h] [-N] [-p [skip_sybprocs] [-D database_name] [-I interfaces_file] [-P password] [-S server_name] [-U user_name] [-X option[,option]...]
Creates and prints an encrypted LDAP password in the libtcl.cfg file.
Enables users to fix missing statistics and identify the best query plan, optimization goals, or other configuration settings, and apply them at the query or server level.
qptune [-U username] [-P password] [-S hostname:port/database] [-A action] [-M mode] [-T appTime] [-i inputFile] [-o outputFile] [-f fileList(,)] [-c configFile] [-l limit] [-e evalField] [-d <diff%(,diff_abs)>] [-m missingCount] [-n login] [-J charset>] [-N (noexec)] [-g (applyOptgoal)] [-v (verbose)] [-s (sort)] [-h (help)]
Cluster Edition only – allows you to back up, restore, and reconfigure the quorum device. qrmutil is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin.
--additional-run-parameters=parameter_list --ase-config-extract=file_name --ase-config-info --ase-config-store=file_name --ase-config-version=version_number --buildquorum=[force]--cluster-take-over --config-file=file_name --diag={all | boot | toc | nodes | locks | config | cms} --display={boot | nodes | heartbeat | master | cluster | instance | config | state} --drop-cluster=[force] --drop-instance=instance_name --errorlog=file_name --extract-config=file_name -h, --help -F, --cluster-input=file_name --fence-capable=device_path --installation=installation_mode -s, --instance=instance_name --instance-node=node_name --interfaces-dir=path_to_interfaces_file --max-instances=number_of_instances --master-dev=master_device --membership-mode=membership_mode --primary-address=interconnect_address --primary-port=port_number --primary-protocol=protocol -Q, --quorum-dev=quorum_device --register-node=node_name --secondary-address=interconnect_address --secondary-port=port_number --secondary-protocol=protocol --traceflags=traceflag_list --unregister-node=node_name --verify-node=node_name -v, --version]
UNIX platforms only – shows the Adaptive Servers and Backup Servers that are currently running on the local machine, available only in UNIX platforms.
sqldbgr is a command-line utility that debugs stored procedures and triggers.
sqldbgr -U username -P password -S host:port
UNIX platforms only – installs and modifies languages, character sets, and sort order defaults for Adaptive Server using a GUI based on X11/Motif.
sqlloc [-S server] [-U user] [-P password] [-s sybase dir] [-I interfaces file] [-r resource file]
Or: sqlloc -v
UNIX platforms only – installs and modifies languages, character sets, and sort order defaults for Adaptive Server, using a resource file.
sqllocres [-S server] [-U user] [-P password] [-s sybase dir] [-I interfaces file] [-r resource file]
Or: sqllocres -v
Windows platforms only – the executable form of the Adaptive Server program.
sqlserver [-f] [-g] [-G] [-h] [-H] [-m] [-P] [-q] [-v] [-X] [-a path_to_CAPs_directive_file] [-b master_device_size] [k | K | m | M | g | G | t | T ] [-c config_file_for_server] [-d device_name] [-e path_to_error_log] [-i interfaces_file_directory] [-K keytab_file] [-L config_file_name_for_connectivity] [--master_key_password [=password] [-M shared_memory_repository_directory] [-p sa_login_name] [-r mirror_disk_name] [-s server_name] [-T trace_flag] [-u sa/sso_name] [-w master | model database] [-y [password] ] [-z page_size [ k | K ] ]
UNIX platforms only – Upgrades your currently installed version of Adaptive Server to the newest release using a GUI based on X11/Motif.
sqlupgrade [-s sybase dir] [-r resource file]
Or: sqlupgrade -v
UNIX platforms only – upgrades your currently installed release of Adaptive Server to the newest release using resource files.
sqlupgraderes [-s sybase dir] [-r resource file]
Or: sqlupgraderes -v
UNIX platforms only – creates a new Adaptive Server, Backup Server, Monitor Server, or XP Server with default or user-specified values for key configuration attributes.
srvbuild [-s sybase_dir] [-I interfaces_file] [-r resource_file]
Or: srvbuild -v
UNIX platforms only – creates, using resource files, a new Adaptive Server, Backup Server, Monitor Server, or XP Server with default or user-specified values for key configuration attributes.
srvbuildres [-s sybase_dir] [-I interfaces_file] [-r resource_file]
Or: srvbuildres -v
UNIX platforms only – starts an Adaptive Server or a Backup Server.
startserver [[-f runserverfile] [-m]] ...
Is a Java-based tool that collects comprehensive Adaptive Server configuration and environment data. Sybase Technical Support uses this information to diagnose server issues, thus expediting customer cases.
sybdiag -U username [-P password] -S [server_name | host:port] [-I interfaces_file] [-L log_file] [-N num_threads] [-O output_directory] [-R resource_file] [-T feature_list] [-h] [-m message_level] [-v]
Cluster environments only – manages a Sybase shared-disk cluster. sybcluster lets you create, start, stop, and manage a cluster or any instance in a cluster.
sybcluster [ -C cluster_name ] [ -d discovery_list ] [ -F agent_connection ] [ -h ] [ -I instance_name ] [ -i input_file_path ] [ -L ] [ -m message_level ] [ -P [ password ]] [ -U user_name ] (the default value is “uafadmin”) [ -v ]
Converts an Adaptive Server from one page size to another page size, and to migrate between platforms.
sybmigrate [-v ] [-h ] [-f ] [-D 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] [-I interfaces_file ] [-r input_resource_file ] [-m setup | migrate | validate | report ] [-rn status | space_est | repl | diff | password ] [-l log_file ] [-t output_template_resource_file ] [-J client_charset ] [-z language ] [-T trace_flags ] [-Tase trace_flags ] [-f ]
Records or changes the user password and creates the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) encrypted password file, TSM.PWD, on the TSM client machine. The location of the file is the directory specified by the PASSWORDDIR configuration parameter in the TSM configuration file.
Starts XP Server manually.
xpserver -S XP_Server
xpserver -SXP_Server [-Iinterfaces_file] [-ppriority] [-sstack_size] [-u] [-v] [-x]