These are very brief descriptions for Adaptive Server system tables. See Reference Manual: Tables for complete information, or the System Tables Diagram poster for a visual presentation of tables, columns, and relationships between tables.
(master database only) Contains one row for each update of the maximum number of licenses used in Adaptive Server per 24-hour period. Columns: status, logtime, maxlicenses.
(All databases) Contains one row for each Adaptive Server user that is mapped or aliased to a user of the current database. Columns: suid, altsuid
(Scratch database) Maps page numbers in an archive database to the actual page within either the database dump and its stripes, or the modified pages section. Columns: dbid, altsuid, lstart, start, size, vstart, vdevno, segmap
(All databases) Defines properties of objects. Columns: class, attribute, object_type, object_cinfo, object_cinfo2, object, object_info1, object_info2, object_info3, int_value, char_value, text_value, image_value, comments
(sybsecurity database) Contains one row for each server-wide audit option and indicates the current setting for that option. Columns: num, val, minval, maxval, name, sval, comment
(sybsecurity database) Contains the audit trail. Columns: event, eventmod, spid, eventtime, sequence, suid, dbid, objid, xactid, loginname, dbname, objname, objowner, extrainfo, nodeid, instanceid
(master database) Provides information about the configuration of data caches and pools. Columns: cache_name, cache_status, cache_type, config_size, run_size, config_replacement, run_replacement, config_partitions, run_partitions, overhead, cacheid, instanceid, scope
Provides a row for each data cache pool that includes configuration information for the data cache. Columns: cache_name, cache_status, cache_type, cache_config_size, cache_run_size, cache_config_replacement, cache_run_replacement, cache_config_partitions, cache_run_partitions, cache_overhead, pool_io_size, pool_config_size, pool_run_size, pool_apf_percent, pool_wash_size, cacheid, instanceid, scope
(master database only) Contains one row for each character set and sort order defined for use by Adaptive Server. Columns: type, id, csid, status, name, description, definition, sortfile
(All databases) Contains one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a procedure. Columns: id, number, colid, status, type, length, offset, usertype, cdefault, domain, name, printfmt, prec, scale, remote_type, remote_name, xstatus, xtype, xdbid, accessrule, status2, status3, computedcol, encrtype, lobcomp_lvl, encrlen, encrykeyid, encrykeydb, encrdate, inrowlen
(All databases) Contains entries for each view, rule, default, trigger, table constraint, partition, procedure, computed column, function-based index key, and other forms of compiled objects. Columns: id, number, colid, texttype, language, text, colid2, status, partitionid
(master database only) Contains one row for each configuration parameter that can be set by the user. Columns: config, value, comment, status, name, parent, value2, value3, value4, instanceid
(All databases) Whenever a user declares a new check constraint or referential constraint using create table or alter table, Adaptive Server inserts a row into the sysconstraints table. The row remains until a user executes alter table to drop the constraint. Columns: colid , constrid , tableid , error , status , spare2
(sybsystemdb database) Contains information about remote Adaptive Servers participating in distributed transactions (remote participants) and their coordination states. Columns: participant, starttime, coordtype, owner, protocol, state, bootcount, dbid, logvers, spare, status, xactkey, gtrid, partdata, srvname, nodeid, instanceid
(master database only) Contains an entry for each of the configuration parameters, as does sysconfigures, but with the current values rather than the default values. In addition, it contains four rows that describe the configuration structure. Columns: config, value, comment, status, value2, defvalue, minimum_value, maximum_value, memory_used, display_level, datatype, message_num, apf_percent, nodeid, instanceid, type
(master database only) Contains one row for each database in Adaptive Server. When Adaptive Server is installed, sysdatabases contains entries for the master database, the model database, the sybsystemprocs database, and the tempdb database. If you have installed auditing, it also contains an entry for the sybsecurity database. Columns: name, dbid, suid, status, version, logptr, crdate, dumptrdate, status2, audflags, deftabaud, defvwaud, defpraud, def_remote_type, def_remote_loc, status3, status4, audflags2, instanceid, durability
(All databases) Contains one row for each procedure, view, or table that is referenced by a procedure, view, or trigger. Columns: id, number, depid, depnumber, status, selall, resultobj, readobj, columns
(master database only) Contains one row for each tape dump device, disk dump device, disk for databases, and disk partition for databases. Columns: low , high, status , cntrltype , name , phyname , mirrorname, vdevno, crdate, resizedate, status2, instanceid, uuid
Each key created in a database, including the default key, has an entry in the database-specific system catalog sysencryptkeys. Columns: id, ekalgorithm, type, status, eklen, value, uid, eksalt, ekpairid, pwdate, expdate, ekpwdwarn
(master database only) Contains one row for each Adaptive Server engine currently online. Columns: engine, osprocid, osprocname, status, affinitied, cur_kpid, last_kpid, idle_1, idle_2, idle_3, idle_4, starttime, nodeid, instanceid
(All databases) Stores the global allocation map for the database.
(All databases) Contains one row for each clustered index, one row for each nonclustered index, one row for each table that has no clustered index, and one row for each table that contains text or image columns. Columns: name, id, indid, doampg, ioampg, oampgtrips, status3, status2, ipgtrips, first, root, distribution, usagecnt, segment, status, maxrowsperpage, minlen , maxlen , maxirow, keycnt, keys1, keys2, soid, csid, base_partition, fill_factor, res_page_gap, exp_rowsize, keys3, identitygap, crdate, partitiontype, conditionid
A fake table that reports on the state of the instances. sysinstances includes a row for each instance defined in the cluster configuration. Columns: id, name, state, hostname, starttime, connections_active, engines_online
(All databases) Contains one row for each Java archive file that is retained in the database. Columns: jid, jstatus, jname, jbinary
(All databases) Contains one row for each primary, foreign, or common key. Columns: id, type, depid, keycnt, size, key1 ... key8, depkey1 ... depkey8, spare1
(master database only) Contains one row for each language known to Adaptive Server. Columns: langid, dateformat, datefirst, upgrade, name, alias, months, shortmonths, days
(master database only) Contains a row for each network protocol available for connecting with the current Adaptive Server. Columns: net_type, address_info, spare, nodeid, instanceid
(master database only) Contains information about active locks, and built dynamically when queried by a user. Columns: id, dbid, page, type, spid, class, fid, context, row, loid, partitionid, nodeid, instanceid
(master database only) Contains a row for each instance of a server login possessing a system role. Columns: suid, srid, status
(master database only) Contains one row for each valid Adaptive Server user account. Columns: suid, status, accdate, totcpu, totio, spacelimit, timelimit, resultlimit, dbname, name, password, language, pwdate, audflags, fullname, srvname, logincount, procid, lastlogindate, crdate, locksuid, lockreason, lockdate, crsuid, lpid
(All databases) Contains the transaction log. It is used by Adaptive Server for recovery and roll forward. It is not useful to users. Column: xactid, op
(master database only) Contains information about each database’s oldest active transaction (if any) and the Replication Server truncation point (if any) for the transaction log, but it is not a normal table. Rather, it is built dynamically when queried by a user. Columns: dbid, reserved, spid, page, xactid, masterxactid, starttime, name, xloid
(master database only) Contains one row for each system error or warning that can be returned by Adaptive Server. Columns: error, severity, dlevel, description, langid, sqlstate
(master database only) Contains one row for each monitor counter. Columns: field_name, group_name, field_id, value, description, nodeid, instanceid
(All databases) Contains one row for each table, view, stored procedure, extended stored procedure, log, rule, default, trigger, check constraint, referential constraint, computed column, function-based index key, and (in tempdb only) temporary object, and other forms of compiled objects. It also contains one row for each partition condition ID when object type is N. Columns: name, id, uid, type, userstat, sysstat, indexdel, schemacnt, sysstat2, systat3, crdate, expdate, deltrig, instrig, updtrig, seltrig, ckfirst, cache, audflags, objspare, versionts, loginame, identburnmax, spacestate, erlchgts, lobcomp_lvl
(All databases) The fake table queried by sp_options. Columns: spid, name, category, currentsetting, defaultsetting, scope, number
(All databases) Contains one row for each partition key for hash, range, and list partitioning of a table. All columns are not null. Columns: indid, id, colid, position
(All databases) Contains one row for each data partition and one row for each index partition. Columns: name, indid, id, partitionid, segment, status, datoampage, indoampage, firstpage, rootpage, data_partitionid, crdate, cdataptnname, lobcomp_lvl
(master database only) Provides information about data caches and pools. Columns: cache_name, io_size, config_size, run_size, apf_percent, wash_size, cacheid, instanceid, scope
(All databases) Contains entries for each view, default, rule, trigger, procedure, declarative default, partition condition, check constraint, computed column, function-based index key, and other forms of compiled objects. Columns: type, qp_setting, id , sequence, status, number, version
(master database only) Contains information about Adaptive Server processes, but it is not a normal table. Columns: spid, kpid, enginenum, status, suid, hostname, program_name, hostprocess, cmd, cpu, physical_io, memusage, blocked, dbid, uid, gid, tran_name, time_blocked, network_pktsz, fid, execlass, priority, affinity, id, stmtnum, linenum, origsuid, block_xloid, clientname, clienthostname, clientapplname, sys_id, ses_id, loggedindatetime, ipaddr, nodeid, instanceid, pad, lcid
(All databases) Contains information on permissions that have been granted to, or revoked from, users, groups, and roles. Columns: id, uid, action, protecttype, columns, grantor, pred_id, protstatus
(All databases) Presents aggregated historical query processing metrics for individual queries from persistent data. Columns: uid, gid, hashkey, id, sequence, exec_min, exec_max, exec_avg, elap_min, elap_max, elap_avg, lio_min, lio_max, lio_avg, pio_min, pio_max, pio_avg, cnt, abort_cnt, qtext
(All databases) Contains two or more rows for each abstract query plan. Uses datarow locking. Columns: uid, dbid, qpdate, sprocid, hashkey2, key1, key2, key3, gid, hashkey, id, type, sequence, status, text
(All databases) Contains one row for each referential integrity constraint declared on a table or column. Columns: indexid, constrid, tableid, reftabid, keycnt, status, frgndbid, pmrydbid, spare2, fokey1 ... fokey16, refkey1 ... refkey16, frgndbname, pmrydbname
(master database only) Contains one row for each remote user that is allowed to execute remote procedure calls on this Adaptive Server. Columns: remoteserverid, remoteusername, suid, status
(master database only) Contains a row for each resource limit defined by Adaptive Server. Columns: name, appname, rangeid, limitid, enforced, action, limitvalue, scope, spare
(All databases) Maps server role IDs to local role IDs. Columns: id, lrid, type, status
(master database only) Contains information about the security services supported by each security mechanism that is available to Adaptive Server. Columns: sec_mech_name, available_service
(All databases) Contains one row for each segment (named collection of disk pieces). Columns: segment, name, status
(master database only) Contains one row for each remote Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server on which this Adaptive Server can execute remote procedure calls. Columns: srvid, srvstatus, srvstatus2, srvstat2, srvname, srvnetname, srvclass, srvsecmech, srvcost, srvprincipal
(master database only) Contains one row for each client that connects to Adaptive Server with the failover property. Columns: sys_id, ses_id, state, spare, status, dbid, name, nodeid, instanceid, ses_data
(All databases) Contains one row for each slice (page chain) of a sliced table. sysslices is used only during the Adaptive Server upgrade process. Columns: state, id, partitionid, firstpage, controlpage, spare
(master database only) Contains a row for each system or user-defined role. Columns: srid, name, password, pwdate, status, logincount, locksuid, lockreason, lockdate
(All databases) Contains one or more rows for each indexed column on a user table and for each partition. May also contain rows for unindexed column. Columns: statid, id, sequence, moddate, formatid, usedcount, colidarray, c0...c79, indid, ststatus, partitionid, spare2, spare3
(All databases) Contains one row for each clustered index, one row for each nonclustered index, one row for each table that has no clustered index, and one row for each partition. Columns: indid, id, activestatid, indexheight, leafcnt, pagecnt, rowcnt, forwrowcnt, delrowcnt, dpagecrcnt, ipagecrcnt, drowcrcnt, oamapgcnt, extent0pgcnt, datarowsize, leafrowsize, status, plljoindegree, spare2, rslastoam, rslastpage, frlastoam, frlastpage, conopt_thld, plldegree, emptypgcnt, spare4, partitionid, spare5, statmoddate, unusedpgcnt, oampagecnt
(All databases) Contains one row for each threshold defined for the database. Columns: segment, free_space, status, proc_name, suid, currauth
(master database only) Stores named time ranges, which are used by Adaptive Server to control when a resource limit is active. Columns: name, id, startday, endday, starttime, endtime
(master database only) Contains information about Adaptive Server transactions, but it is not a normal table. Columns: xactkey, starttime, failover, type, coordinator, state, connection, status, status2, spid, masterdbid, loid, namelen, xactname, srvname, nodeid, instanceid
(All databases) Contains one row for each system-supplied and user-defined datatype. Domains (defined by rules) and defaults are given, if they exist. Columns: uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt, prec, scale, ident, hierarchy, xtypeid, xdbid, accessrule
(master database only) Contains one row for each disk allocation piece assigned to a database. Each database contains a specified number of database (logical) page numbers. Columns: dbid, segmap, lstart, size, vstart, pad, unreservedpgs, crdate, vdevno
(All databases) Contains one row for each user-defined message that can be returned by Adaptive Server. Columns: error, uid, description, langid, dlevel
(All databases) Contains one row for each user allowed in the database, and one row for each group or role. Columns: suid, uid, gid, name, environ
(All databases) Contains one row for each extended, Java-SQL datatype. Columns: xtid, xtstatus, xtmetatype, xtcontainer, xtname, xtsource, xtbinaryinrow, xtbinaryoffrow