Launch from a console to start the install. You must include a license acceptance switch as an argument when you run this script. Other arguments depend on whether you plan to run a “Typical install” or “Custom install”.
You can display options for this script by running the script with the –h or –? option in a console.
Argument |
Description |
h or ? |
Display help and exit. |
jvm "JVM_ARGS" |
Include user specified JVM_ARGS. |
java |
Specify the location of the java folder. |
txt |
Specify the location of Silent Install text file. |
bs <32|64> |
Specify the bit size of the installed files. |
cl |
Specify the location of the silent install console log file. |
src |
Specify the path to root directory of installer files. |
I_accept_sybase_license |
Agree to the Sybase IQ licensing terms. |
dst |
Specify the install location for Sybase IQ . |
licensed_user |
Installs a licensed version of Sybase IQ. |
eval_user |
Installs an evaluation version of Sybase IQ. |
You can run a typical silent install directly from the installation CD. The command you use to launch the install must include a version switch (– licensed_user or – eval_user) and – license acceptance switch:
% ./<DVD_mount_directory>/ – licensed_user –I_accept_sybase_license
If you do not have the $SYBASE environment variable set, you must also specify the -dst parameter.
Custom install commands must include a –txt switch that points to the location of the modified SilentInstall.txt as well as a version switch and license acceptance switch:
% ./ –txt <directory name>/SilentInstall.txt – licensed_user –I_accept_sybase_license
If you do not have the $SYBASE environment variable set, you must also specify the -dst parameter.
If you change the license acceptance and destination parameters in the SilentInstall.txt file, you do not need to specify those options on the command line.
You can monitor silent installs by running a tail command on the logfile. The default name and location of this file is /tmp/IQ15ConsoleNNNN.log where NNNN is the PID. This location and logfile name can be changed by adding –cl and the log location as a command line parameter when launching the silent install.