The following list summarizes the tasks required to run a silent install.
Mount the DVD and set up the sybase account. If your DVD drive is set up for automount, skip this step. If you need to mount the DVD drive, see “Mounting the installation media”.
Create a sybase user account to provide consistent ownership and privileges for all installation, configuration, and upgrade tasks.
If a sybase account already exists, skip this step, but verify that you can use this account to log in the system. For more information, see “Setting up the sybase account”.
Set the $SYBASE environmental variable to directory where you plan to install Sybase IQ. See “Setting the $SYBASE environmental variable” for more information.
Update the installation parameters, if necessary. Installation parameters are stored in SilentInstall.txt and match the defaults in a typical installation. If you want to change any installation options, you need to edit this file and save your changes on the file system. See “Editing the installation parameters” for more information.
Run the silent install scripts. Be sure to complete all preinstallation tasks before you run the installer. See “Running a silent install” and “Completing the installation” for more information.
Set the environment variables. Installing IQ also installs some environment files that set variables that are required to run Sybase IQ Server. See “Setting environment variables” for more information.