Plug–in compatibility

Sybase Central is a graphically-based administration console for Sybase products. The Sybase IQ Server 15.1 plug-in for Sybase Central is NOT compatible with 12.x servers. You can only use the 15.x plug-in with 15.x servers; you cannot use it to connect to 12.x servers.

IQ Plug–in

Sybase IQ

Sybase Central Toolkit




Compatible only with 15.x servers. You cannot use the 15.x plug-in to connect to 12.x servers.

6.0 or later required

Agent – 15.x agent required

JRE – 6.0 required


12.5 and higher fully supported. Earlier IQ versions minimally supported.

4.3 or later required

12.7 Agent required

1.4.2 required


12.6 or 12.5 fully supported. Earlier IQ versions minimally supported.

4.3 or later required

12.6 Agent required

1.4.2 required


12.5 or earlier

3.2 required

12.5 Agent required

1.2.2 required (1.3.1 on Linux)