Table 2-2 lists the connection properties for jConnect and indicates their default values. These properties are not case-sensitive.
You can dynamically set the values of those connection properties marked as Dynamic using the getClientInfo() and setClientInfo() standard methods.
Property |
Description |
Default value |
Dynamic or Static |
Specifies the alternate server name used by the primary and secondary database in a mirrored SQL Anywhere environment. The primary and secondary database use the same alternate server name so that client applications can connect to the current primary server without knowing in advance which of the two servers is the primary server. The JDBC URL syntax is still For information about database mirroring, see the SQL Anywhere Server - Database Administration.
Null |
Static |
Specifies an application name. This is a user-defined property. The server side can be programmed to interpret the value given to this property. |
Null |
Static |
Adjusts other properties to ensure that jConnect methods respond in a way that is as compliant as possible with the JDBC 3.0 standard. These properties are affected (and overridden) when this property is set to "true":
False |
Static |
If you repeatedly use PreparedStatement or CallableStatement objects that perform SELECT queries, setting CACHE_COLUMN_METADATA to true can improve performance. When set to true, the statement remembers the ResultSet Metadata information associated with the SELECT query results from the first execution of the statement. On subsequent executions, the metadata is re-used without having to be reconstructed. This saves CPU time through the use of additional memory. Use the SUPPRESS_ROW_FORMAT connection property when connecting to Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #1 and later. |
False |
Static |
Specifies the behavior of the Statement.cancel method:
The following example sets CANCEL_ALL to “false.” props is a Properties object for specifying connection properties: props.put("CANCEL_ALL", "false");
Static |
Used only when JCONNECT_VERSION >= 6. When jConnect is connected to a server that supports the TIME datatype, and all parameters of type java.sql.Time or escape literals {t ...} are processed as TIME. Previous versions of jConnect treat such parameters as DATETIME and prepend '1970-01-01' to the java.sql.Time parameter. If the underlying datatype is datetime or smalldatetime the date part also gets stored in the database. In jConnect 6.0 or later, when TIME is processed, the server converts time to the underlying datatype and will prepend its own base year. This can result in incompatibilities between old and new data. If you are using datetime or smalldatetime datatypes for java.sql.Time, then for backward compatibility you should leave CAPABILITY_TIME as false. Leaving this property as false forces jConnect to process java.sql.Time parameters or escape literals {t ...} as DATETIME regardless of the server capability of handling TIME datatype.Setting this property to true will cause jConnect to process java.sql.Time parameters as TIME datatype when connected to Adaptive Server. Sybase recommends you leave this property as false if you are using smalldatetime or datetime columns to store time values. |
False |
Static |
If you do not require JDBC ResultSetMetaData like Column name as a performance improvement, you can set this to “false.” The result is that less data is exchanged over the network and increases performance. Unless you are using EAServer, Sybase recommends that you use the default setting. See “Using wide table support for Adaptive Server”. |
False |
Static |
Specifies the character set for strings passed to the database. If the CHARSET value is null, jConnect uses the default character set of the server to send string data to the server. If you specify a CHARSET, the database must be able to handle characters in that format. If the database cannot do so, a message is generated indicating that character conversion cannot be properly completed.
Null |
Static |
Specifies the character-set converter class you want jConnect to use. jConnect uses the version setting from SybDriver.setVersion, or the version passed in with the JCONNECT_VERSION property, to determine the default character-set converter class to use. See “Selecting a character-set converter” for details. |
Version-dependent. See Table 2-1. |
Static |
A property you set to a DynamicClassLoader object that you create. The DynamicClassLoader is used to load Java classes that are stored in the database but which are not in the CLASSPATH at application start-up time. See“Using dynamic class loading” for more information. |
Null |
Static |
Used with the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). See “CONNECTION_FAILOVER connection property”. |
True |
Static |
When this property is set to true, the update counts that are returned are cumulative counts that include updates directly affected by the statement executed and any triggers invoked as a result of the statement being executed. |
false |
Static |
Use this property to specify the database name for a connection when the connection information is obtained from a Sybase interfaces file. The URL of an interfaces file cannot supply the database name. |
null |
Static |
When this connection property is set, it is used as the default query timeout for any statements created on this connection. |
0 (no timeout) |
Dynamic |
Specifies whether to retain or remove SQLWarning from the SQLException chain. Values:
True |
Static |
When a client application sends unichar characters to the server (along with non-unichar characters), there is a slight performance hit for any character data sent to the database. This property defaults to false in jConnect 6.05 and later. Clients using older versions of jConnect who wish to send unichar data to the database must set this property to false. See “Using jConnect to pass Unicode data”. |
Version-dependent |
Static |
Disables warnings. During results processing for a stored procedure, jConnect often reads return values other than row data. If you do not process the return value, jConnect raises a warning. To disable these warnings (which can help performance), set this property to "true." |
False |
Static |
Determines whether dynamic SQL prepared statements are precompiled in the database. See “DYNAMIC_PREPARE connection property”. |
true |
Dynamic |
Specifies the threshold on number of rows after which a reader thread should be started to drain out the server responses for a batch. Set this value to -1 if the early read is not ever required. |
-1 |
Static |
Specifies whether to use bulk load to insert rows to the database. Values:
Null |
Dynamic |
Specifies whether jConnect should create a client-side materialized LOB or server side LOB Locator. Valid values:
False |
Dynamic |
Specifies if the connection packet size is set to the value suggested by the server. If set to true, the driver does not use PACKETSIZE connection property and the server is free to use any value between 512 and the maximum packet size. If set to false, the PACKETSIZE connection property is used. |
True |
Static |
Allows a secure login. When this property is set to true, both login and remote site passwords are encrypted before being sent to the server. Passwords are no longer sent in clear text. ENCRYPT_PASSWORD has precedence over RETRY_WITH_NO_ENCRYPTION. For more information about password encryption, see “Using password encryption”. |
False |
Static |
Circumvents processing of JDBC function escapes in SQL statements. By default, jConnect parses all SQL statements submitted to the database for valid JDBC function escapes. If your application is not going to use JDBC function escapes in its SQL calls, you can set this connection property to “false” to avoid this processing. This can provide a slight performance benefit. Additionally, ESCAPE_PROCESSING_DEFAULT helps with backend servers such as Sybase IQ that use curly braces as part of the SQL syntax. |
True |
Static |
Specifies whether jConnect allows a batch update operation to ignore nonfatal errors encountered while executing individual statements and to complete the batch update or aborts the batch update operation. Values:
False |
Static |
Contains the license expiration date. Expiration is set to Never except for evaluation copies of jConnect. This is a read-only property. |
Never |
Static |
Returns phony metadata. When you call the ResultSetMetaData methods getCatalogName, getSchemaName, and getTableName and this property is set to "true," the call returns empty strings ("") because the server does not supply useful metadata. When this property is set to "false," calling these methods throws a “Not Implemented” SQLException.
False |
Static |
Provides backward compatibility with versions of jConnect earlier than 6.0. With Adaptive Server version 12.5 and later, jConnect has access to more metadata than was previously available. Prior to version 12.5, column name and column alias meant the same thing. jConnect can now differentiate between the two when used with a 12.5 or later Adaptive Server with wide tables enabled. To preserve backward compatibility, set this property to "true."If you want calls to getByte, getInt, get* (String columnName) to look at the actual name for the column, set this property to “false.” |
True |
Static |
Maintains backward compatibility with jConnect 5.5 or earlier, where a call to ResultMetaData.getColumnName returns the column label rather than the column name. Values:
False |
Static |
Specifies a third-party implementation of the org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager class. This property can be set to a string or a GSSManager object. If the property is set to a string, the value should be the fully qualified class name of the third-party GSSManager implementation. If the property is set to an object, the object must extend the org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager class. See Chapter 3, “Security” for more information. |
Null |
Static |
Invokes the new ASE optimized batching protocol to speed up batch operations for PreparedStatement objects. Valid values:
True |
Dynamic |
Identifies the name of the current host. |
None. The max length is 30 characters and, if exceeded, it is truncated to 30. |
Static |
Identifies the application process on the host machine. |
None |
Static |
Determines that intermediate update results (as in stored procedures) are not returned, only the final result set. |
False |
Static |
Specifies whether or not to check for and generate warning messages. Currently, this property checks only for warning regarding the loss of precision when storing timestamp values into Adaptive Server date and time datatypes, which have lower precision than the Java timestamp. Valid values:
False |
Static |
Use this property with the SELECT_OPENS_CURSOR property to force jConnect to open a read-only cursor on every select query that is sent to the database. The cursor has a fetch size of the value set in this property, unless overridden by the Statement.setFetchSize method. |
0 |
Static |
Use this property to set the query timeout that will be used by statements internally created and executed by jConnect. This may prevent application failures if internal commands do not complete in a reasonable time. |
0 (no timeout) |
Dynamic |
Allows you to specify what query, if any, is sent to the database when Connection.isClosed is called. For additional information, see the “Using Connection.isClosed and IS_CLOSED_TEST”. |
Null |
Static |
When this property is set to true, the jConnect driver enables behavior that is compliant with the J2EE 1.4 technology compatibility kit (TCK) test suite, which causes some loss of performance. Therefore, Sybase recommends using the default value of false. |
false |
Static |
Specifies user-defined character set mapping superseding the default Adaptive Server character set mapping. See “Superceding default character set mapping”. |
- |
Static |
Specifies the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provider used in RSA encryption algorithms. |
The bundled JCE provider. |
Static |
Sets version-specific characteristics. See “Using JCONNECT_ VERSION”. |
7 |
Static |
Specifies the language in which messages from jConnect and the server appear. The setting must match a language in syslanguages because server messages are localized according to the language setting in your local environment. The languages supported are Chinese, U.S. English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. |
Version dependent. See “Using JCONNECT_ VERSION”. |
Static |
Determines that jConnect uses “language cursors” instead of “protocol cursors.” See “Cursor performance”. |
False |
Static |
When set to “true,” any parameters set by the setXXX methods in the PreparedStatement interface are inserted literally into the SQL statement when it is executed. If set to “false,” parameter markers are left in the SQL statement and the parameter values are sent to the server separately. |
False |
Static |
Specifies the new password used in password expiration handling. |
Null |
Static |
Specifies whether or not to enable jConnect performance enhancing properties. Currently, this property controls only the IGNORE_WARNINGS property. Valid values:
False |
Static |
Specifies whether or not to enable string conversion optimization. This optimization behavior can improve jConnect performance when a client uses character datatypes in SQL prepared statement. Values:
0 |
Static |
Identifies the network packet size. If you are using Adaptive Server 15.0 or later, Sybase recommends that you do not set this property and allow jConnect and Adaptive Server to select the network packet size that is appropriate for your environment. |
512 |
Static |
Identifies the login password. Set automatically if using the getConnection(String, String, String) method, or explicitly if using getConnection(String, Props). |
None |
Static |
Contains a comma-separated list of .jar file names that are associated with the CLASS_LOADER that you specify. These .jar files are loaded at connect time, and are available for use by any other connection using the same jConnect driver. See “Preloading .jar files” for more information. |
Null |
Static |
Specifies whether to perform a transparent password change or to prompt for the new password. Values:
False |
Static |
Specifies a file for capturing TDS communication between an application and an Adaptive Server. |
Null |
Dynamic |
Specifies a gateway address. For the HTTP protocol, the URL is http://host:port. To use the HTTPS protocol that supports encryption, the URL is https://host:port/servlet_alias. |
None |
Static |
Forces jConnect to cancel all Statements on a Connection when a read timeout is encountered. This behavior can be used when a client has calls execute() and the timeout occurs because of a deadlock (for example, trying to read from a table that is currently being updated in another transaction). |
False |
Dynamic |
Specifies if Adaptive Server releases shared read-only cursor locks at isolation levels 2 and 3 when a cursor is closed:
False |
Static |
Contains remote server passwords for access through server-to-server remote procedure calls. See “Performing server-to-server remote procedure calls”. |
None |
Static |
Determines whether the driver keeps copies of columns and output parameters so that columns can be read out of order or repeatedly. See “REPEAT_READ connection property”. |
True |
Static |
Indicates whether the connecting client wants to begin a high availability (HA) failover session. See “Implementing high availability failover support”. You cannot reset the property once a connection has been made. If you want more flexibility for requesting failover sessions, code the client application to set REQUEST_HA_SESSION at runtime.
False |
Static |
Determines whether jConnect uses Kerberos for authentication. If this property is set to "true," a value for the SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME property must also be specified. You may also wish to provide a value for the GSSMANAGER_CLASS property. See Chapter 3, “Security,” for more information. |
False |
Static |
Allows server to retry logging in using clear text passwords. When both ENCRYPT_PASSWORD and RETRY_WITH_NO_ENCRYPTION properties are set to true, jConnect first logs in using the encrypted password. If login fails, jConnect logs in using the clear text password. For more information about password encryption, see “Using password encryption”. |
False |
Static |
Sets the Resource Manager name when using distributed transactions (XA). This property overrides a Resource Manager name that may be set in an LDAP server entry. See “Distributed transaction management support” for more information. |
Null |
Static |
Sets the hostname and port for the secondary server when the client is using an HA failover session. The value for this property should be in the form of hostName:portNumber. This property is ignored unless you have also set REQUEST_HA_SESSION to “true.” See “Implementing high availability failover support” for more information. |
Null |
Static |
Determines whether calls to Statement.executeQuery automatically generate a cursor when the query contains a FOR UPDATE clause. If you have previously called Statement.setFetchSize or Statement.setCursorName on the same statement, a setting of “true” for SELECT_OPENS_CURSOR has no effect.
See “Using cursors with result sets” for more information on using cursors with jConnect. |
False |
Static |
Specifies whether jConnect sends the parameters for the current row immediately after invoking PreparedStatement.addBatch() or only after invoking PreparedStatement.executeBatch().
False |
Dynamic |
Determines whether jConnect waits for responses from the server before sending additional requests. |
False |
Static |
Allows the server to control transactions. By default the property is set to true and jConnect lets the server start and control transactions by using the Transact-SQL command set chained on. If set to false, the transactions are started and controlled by jConnect by using the Transact-SQL command begin tran. Sybase recommends that you allow the server to control the transactions. |
True |
Static |
Indicates the name of a back-end database server that a DirectConnect gateway serves. Also used to indicate which database should be used upon connecting to SQL Anywhere. |
None |
Static |
When connected to OpenSwitch set this property to “OSW.” This allows jConnect to send certain instructions to OpenSwitch that allows OpenSwitch to remember initial connection settings for example, isolation level, textsize, quoted identifier and autocommit when OpenSwitch redirects a connection to a different server instance. |
None |
Static |
Used when establishing a Kerberos connection to Adaptive Server. The value of this property should correspond both to the server entry in your Key Distribution Center (KDC) and to the server name under which your database is running. The value of the SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME property is ignored if the REQUEST_KERBEROS_SESSION property is set to “false.” See Chapter 3, “Security,” for more information. |
Null |
Static |
A TDS session ID. When this property is set, jConnect assumes that an application is trying to resume communication on an existing TDS session held open by the TDS-tunnelling gateway. jConnect skips the login negotiations and forwards all requests from the application to the specified session ID. |
Null |
Static |
Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that an HTTP-tunnelled session (created using the jConnect TDS-tunnelling servlet) remains alive while idle. After the specified time, the connection is automatically closed. For more information about the TDS-tunnelling servlet, see “Using TDS tunnelling”. |
Null |
Static |
Specifies whether setMaxRows limits only the rows returned by select statements to be consistent with the JDBC specification. Values:
SETMAXROWS_AFFECTS_SELECT_ONLY is ignored when connected to Adaptive Server 15.5 or earlier. |
True |
Static |
Defines a set of commands to be passed to the database server when a connection is opened. These must be SQL commands that can be executed using the Statement.executeUpdate method. |
Null |
Static |
Specifies the maximum size used to cache statement response streams. |
Null (unlimited cache size) |
Dynamic |
Forces the server to remove the preceding and trailing blanks in a string value before storing it in the table. Values:
0 |
Static |
Suppresses control tokens. Values:
0 |
Static |
When executing dynamic SQL prepared statements, jConnect client can use the SUPPRESS_PARAM_FORMAT connection string property to suppress parameter format metadata. The client sends less parameter metadata where possible for better performance. Values:
1 |
Static |
In jConnect, client can use the SUPPRESS_ROW_FORMAT connection string property to force Adaptive Server to send TDS_ROWFMT or TDS_ROWFMT2 data only when the row format changes for a dynamic SQL prepared statement. Adaptive Server can send less data to the client if possible, resulting in better performance. Values:
1 |
Static |
Specifies that Adaptive Server is to send data using the TDS_ROWFMT byte sequence where possible instead of the TDS_ROWFMT2 byte sequence. Values:
0 |
Static |
Enables jConnect to use your custom socket implementation. Set SYBSOCKET_FACTORY either to:
Use this property to make an SSL connection to your database. |
Null |
Static |
Allows you to set the text size. By default Adaptive Server and SQL Anywhere allow 32,627 bytes to be read from an image or text column. If you have the jConnect mda tables installed, jConnect changes that value to 2GB. However setting this value when connected to OpenSwitch allows the connection to remember the setting when OpenSwitch redirects a connection to a different server instance. |
2GB |
Static |
Creates and initializes a DatabaseMetaData object when you establish a connection. The DatabaseMetaData object is necessary to connect to a specified database. jConnect uses DatabaseMetaData for some features, including Distributed Transaction Management support (JTA/JTS) and dynamic class loading (DCL). If you receive error 010SJ, which indicates that your application requires metadata, install the stored procedures for returning metadata that come with jConnect. See “Installing Stored Procedures” in Chapter 3 of the jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide. |
True |
Static |
Specifies the login ID. Set automatically if using the getConnection(String, String, String) method, or explicitly if using getConnection(String, Props). |
None |
Static |
Provides read-only version information for the JDBC driver. |
jConnect driver version |
Static |