Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures

Sybase IQ implements most of the Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures with the exception of the sp_column_privileges procedure. The implemented catalog procedures are described in Table 7-76. Sybase IQ also has similar customized stored procedures for some of these Adaptive Server catalog procedures.

Table 7-76: ASE catalog procedures implemented in Sybase IQ

ASE catalog procedure


IQ procedure

sp_columns table-name [, table-owner ] [, table-qualifier] [, column-name ]

Returns the data types of the specified column

sp_fkeys pktable_name [, pktable-owner ][, pktable-qualifier ] [, fktable-name ] [, fktable_owner ] [, fktable-qualifier ]

Returns foreign-key information about the specified table

sp_pkeys table-name [, table_owner ] [, table_qualifier ]

Returns primary-key information for a single table


sp_special_columns table_name [, table-owner ] [, table-qualifier ] [, col-type ]

Returns the optimal set of columns that uniquely identify a row in a table

sp_sproc_columns proc-name [, proc_owner ] [, proc-qualifier] [, column-name ]

Returns information about the input and return parameters of a stored procedure


sp_stored_procedures [ sp-name ] [, sp-owner ] [, sp-qualifier ]

Returns information about one or more stored procedures


sp_tables table-name [, table-owner ] [, table-qualifier ] [, table-type ]

Returns a list of objects that can appear in a FROM clause

The following Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures are not supported: