sp_iqstatus procedure


Displays a variety of Sybase IQ status information about the current database.




DBA authority required. Users without DBA authority must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.


Shows status information about the current database, including the database name, creation date, page size, number of dbspace segments, block usage, buffer usage, I/O, backup information, and so on.

sp_iqstatus displays an out-of-space status for main and temporary stores. If a store runs into an out-of-space condition, sp_iqstatus shows Y in the store’s out-of-space status display value.

sp_iqspaceused returns a subset of the same information as provided by sp_iqstatus, but allows the user to return the information in SQL variables to be used in calculations. See “sp_iqspaceused procedure”.

To display space that can be reclaimed by dropping connections, use sp_iqstatus and add the results from the two returned rows:

(DBA)> select * from sp_iqstatus() where name like '%Versions:%'
Execution time: 6.25 seconds
Name                 Value
Other Versions: 2 = 1968Mb
Active Txn Versions: 1 = C:2175Mb/D:2850Mb

(First 2 rows) 

The above example output shows that one active write transaction created 2175MB and destroyed 2850 MB of data. The total data consumed in transactions and not yet released is 4818MB, or 1968MB + 2850MB = 4818MB.

sp_iqstatus does not show blocks that will be deallocated at the next checkpoint. These blocks do however, appear in sp_iqdbspace output as type X.


The following output is from the sp_iqstatus stored procedure:

Sybase IQ (TM)                  Copyright (c) 1992-2009 by Sybase, Inc.
                                         All rights reserved. 
Version:                                 15.1.0/090416/P/MS/Windows/2003/
                                         32bit/2009-04-16 02:11:41
Time Now:                                2009-04-21 13:48:22.319
Build Time:                              2009-04-16 02:15:39
File Format:                             23 on 03/18/1999 
Server mode:                             IQ Server
Catalog Format:                          2
Stored Procedure Revision:               1
Page Size:                               131072/8192blksz/16bpp
Number of Main DB Files :                2
Main Store Out Of Space:                 N
Number of Temp DB Files :                1
Temp Store Out Of Space:                 N
DB Blocks:  1-3200                       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN
DB Blocks:  1045440-1055039              iq_main 
Temp Blocks:  1-1600                     IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP
Create Time:                             2009-04-03 11:30:20.674
Update Time:                             2009-04-03 11:34:33.040
Main IQ Buffers:                         255, 32Mb
Temporary IQ Buffers:                    191, 24Mb
Main IQ Blocks Used:                     5915 of 11200, 52%=46Mb, Max Block#:105278
Temporary IQ Blocks Used:                65 of 800, 8%=0Mb, Max Block#: 0
Main Reserved Blocks Available:          1600 of 1600, 100%=6Mb
Temporary Reserved Blocks Available:     6400 of 6400, 100%=50Mb
IQ Dynamic Memory:                       Current: 69mb, Max: 70mb
Main IQ Buffers:                         Used: 17, Locked: 0
Temporary IQ Buffers:                    Used: 4, Locked: 0
Main IQ I/O:                             I: L1581/P14 O: C3/D163/P161 D:34 C:97.1
Temporary IQ I/O:                        I: L6627/P0 O: C1086/D1166/P83 
                                         D:1082 C:100.0
Other Versions:                          0 = 0Mb
Active Txn Versions:                     0 = C:0Mb/D:0Mb
Last Full Backup ID:                     0
Last Full Backup Time:                   
Last Backup ID:                          0
Last Backup Type:                        None
Last Backup Time:                        
DB Updated:                              1
Blocks in next ISF Backup:               0 Blocks: =0Mb
Blocks in next ISI Backup:               0 Blocks: =0Mb
DB File Encryption Status:               OFF

The following is a key to understanding the Main IQ I/O and Temporary IQ I/O output codes:

See also

sp_iqtransaction procedure and sp_iqversionuse procedure