sp_iqclient_lookup procedure


Allows a client application to determine the Sybase IQ user account responsible for a particular data stream, as observed in a network analyzer originating from a specific client IP address/port.


sp_iqclient_lookup'IPaddress' ], [ Port ], [ UserID ]


IPaddress Specifies the IP address of the originating client application.

Port Specifies the port number of the originating client application.

UserID Specifies the Sybase IQ user ID.


DBA authority required. Users without DBA authority must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.


The sp_iqclient_lookup procedure takes the client IP address and port number and returns a single row containing Number (the connection ID), IPaddress, Port, and UserID.

1> sp_iqclient_lookup '',3360
2> go

Number   IPaddress      Port    UserID
------   ---------      ----    ------
15  3360    rdeniro

Optionally, you can pass a third argument to select only the UserID. If no arguments are passed, sp_iqclient_lookup returns all current logins with their IP addresses and port numbers. For example:

Number   IPaddress        Port    UserID
------   ---------        ----    ------
11    2082    mbrando
21   1863    apacino
22   8080    jcaan
23   6901    rduvall
24   7001    dkeaton
25   6347    jcazale

(6 rows affected)
(return status = 0)

If a client application is not using TCP/IP or for internal connections, the address appears as

NoteThis information is available for logged on users only. No historical login data is kept on the server for this purpose.

Side effects

The sp_iqclient_lookup stored procedure may impact server performance, which varies from one installation to another. Finding the login name entails scanning through all current active connections on the server; therefore, the impact may be greater on servers with large numbers of connections. Furthermore, this information cannot be cached as it is dynamic — sometimes highly dynamic. It is, therefore, a matter for the local system administrator to manage the use of this stored procedure, as well as monitor the effects on the server, just as for any other client application that uses server facilities.


Shows IP addresses for UserID jcazale:

sp_iqclient_lookup null, null, jcazale
Number   IPaddress        Port    UserID
------   ----------       ----    ------
11    2082    jcazale
15    1078    jcazale

Shows IP addresses from client IP

sp_iqclient_lookup ''
Number   IPaddress        Port    UserID
------   ----------       ----    ------
11    2082    jcazale
12    1078    jcaan

NoteThe result is empty when the user specifies an incorrect argument.