sp_remote_primary_keys system procedure


Provides primary key information about remote tables using remote data access.


sp_remote_primary_keys @server_name [, @table_name ] [, @table_owner ] [, @table_qualifier] 

Accepts these parameters:

@server_name Selects the server on which the remote table is located.

@table_name Selects the remote table.

@table_owner Selects the owner of the remote table.

@table_qualifier Selects the database.


DBA authority required. Users without DBA authority must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.

Side effects



Because of differences in the underlying ODBC/JDBC calls, the information returned differs slightly in terms of the catalog/database value, depending upon the remote data access class that is specified for the server. However, the important information (for example, column name) is as expected.

Standards and compatibility

Sybase Supported by Open Client/Open Server.