Reviewing Differences when Comparing Models

The Compare Models window displays the models to compare as two trees of objects in left and right panes (with the model from which you launch the comparison on the right), and a third pane at the bottom with three columns, listing each of the properties of the selected object, and the values assigned to these properties in the two models.

Explore the tree by opening nodes to reveal categories, objects, and sub-objects. To expand all nodes, press the numpad star (*). To collapse all nodes, press the numpad minus sign (-).

The following types of differences can be detected during a comparison:



Compare and Merge - Compare Existence Existence - The object is present in one model (blue text) and absent in the other (greyed text and icon).
Compare and Merge - Compare Modification

Properties pane:
Compare and Merge - Compare Properties

Modification (red warning triangle) - One or more attributes of the object has different values in each of the models. To review the differences in properties, look for the red warning triangles in the list of properties in the bottom pane.
Note: To open the property sheet of any object in either model, right-click it in the tree and select Properties.
Compare and Merge - Compare Sub-Modification Child Modification (yellow warning triangle) - One or more sub-objects beneath the object has differences.
Compare and Merge - Compare Movement Movement (green triangle with arrow) - The object is in a different position in the collection or in a different package. The normal icon and text represent the object's position in the present model and the greyed text and icon represent its position in the other model. The green triangle becomes red if the object also has modifications.
Note: To go to the other instance of the object, right-click it in the tree and select either Next Occurrence or Previous Occurrence.
The following tools are available in this window:



Tool - 7 - Filter Comparison Filter - Apply one or more of the predefined filters to control the types of differences that are displayed (see Filtering Objects and Changes During a Compare or Merge).
Tool - 7 - Properties Properties - Open the property sheet of the selected object.
Tool - 7 - Options Comparison Options - Open the Comparison Options dialog to control the types of metaclasses, attributes, and collections that are displayed (see Excluding Objects and Properties from a Compare or Merge
Tool - 7 - Manually Synchronize Two Objects Manually Synchronize Two Objects - Select an object in either model and then click this tool to link it to an object in the other model or to break such a link (see Repairing or Breaking Links Between Objects).
First/Last Difference - Jump to the first or last difference in the tree.
Previous/Next Difference - Jump to the previous or next difference in the tree.
Tool - 7 - Compare Preview Compare Preview - Open the Compare Preview window, which gives a list of the differences in textual or list formats (see Previewing, Printing, and Saving Comparison Results).