Unblocking Blocked Users

The repository administrator or a user with the Manage Users right can unblock users blocked for password policy violations.

  1. Select Repository > Administration > Users to display the List of Users.
  2. Select the user in the list and click the Properties tool to open his property sheet.
  3. Click the Reset Password button.
  4. If you have not enabled delivery of passwords by email (see Specifying an SMTP Server for Notifications), select the Show checkbox to display the password and note it for transmission to the user.
  5. Click OK to assign the temporary password to the user. If an SMTP server is configured, the password will be sent to the user at the recorded email address.
    Users must log in with their temporary password before the delay specified in the password policy (see Defining a Password Policy). When they first log in they will be required to change the temporary password.