Creating Mappings in the Mapping Editor

You can create a mapping in the Mapping Editor by drag and drop or using the Create Mapping tool or contextual command. To generate default mappings between source and target objects that have the same name, right-click a data source and select Generate Default Mappings.


When dragging and dropping, you can either create a mapping or reuse and complement an existing mapping. When using the Create Mapping tools or contextual command, you can create multiple mappings for the same target object. Each mapping object is added to the Mapping list and you can access its property sheet.

When objects in the Source and Target pane are mapped, any sub-objects that share the same name are automatically mapped as well. You can force the mapping with the Generate Mapping tool in the Sub-Object sub-tab of the Mappings pane.


You can multi-select object icons in the Source pane by holding down the SHIFT key while clicking, and map them simultaneously to a target object.