The Mapping Editor

The Mapping Editor provides a global view of all the mappings to objects in your model, allowing you to quickly identify mapped and unmapped objects.

To open the Mapping Editor, select Tools > Mapping Editor. If no data source is defined in your model, you will be prompted to create one with the Data Source Creation Wizard (see Creating a Data Source).

The Mapping Editor window is divided into three panes:

Click the Play Demo tool in the lower-left corner of the Mapping Editor window to launch a video that briefly illustrates its main features.

Mapping Links and Symbols

When a mapping is created, a non-editable link line is drawn between the mapped objects. The arrow specifies the direction of the data transfer. When an arrow is displayed on both extremities of the link, it means the data can be extracted from the source to target and vice versa.

A link extends from the source pane to the target pane and passes through an area between the two panes. If you click a link:

  • In the Source pane – you open the property sheet of the source object.

  • In the Target pane – you open the property sheet of the target object.

  • In the middle area - you display the mapping in the Mappings pane.

A small symbol is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the icons and also on their respective parent hierarchy icon to ease readability:


Mapped object icon

Parent hierarchy icon

Source (green)

Target (red)

When you define a mapping for an object (a table, for example) a mapping is automatically defined for its sub-objects (columns, for example) when their name matches the name of the source sub-objects.