Resource Files and Extensions

The PowerDesigner modeling environment is powered by resource files, which define the objects available in each model along with the methods for generating and reverse-engineering them. You can view, copy, and edit these XML-format resource files in order to customize and extend the behavior of the environment.

For detailed information about viewing and editing PowerDesigner resource files, see Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner > Working with PowerDesigner Resource Files.

Extension files (*.xem) provide means for customizing and extending PowerDesigner metaclasses, parameters and generation. Extensions are typed like models in PowerDesigner. You create an extension for a specific type of model and you cannot share these files between heterogeneous models. When you create a new model, or when you reverse engineer into a new model, you can select one or several extensions and attach them to the model from the New dialog box.

For example, you can attach XEMs to a Java model to help you in working with a particular IDE, or O/R mapping framework. The XEM may provide objects with additional properties or property tabs, and define additional generation targets and options.

PowerDesigner provides a number of predefined XEMs and you can also create your own. An extension contains:

For more information about XEMs, including how to create your own, see Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner > Extension Files.

Missing XEMs

If you rename, move or delete extension files that are attached to a model, you will lose the links between them.

When you subsequently open the model, the following dialog box is displayed to list the XEMs that are not available:

The following tools are available in this dialog:



Open – Lets you browse to, and re-attach, the missing XEMs.


Update from Repository – Lets you check out the missing XEMs from the repository.

Delete – Lets you remove the links between the model and the missing XEMs.