Notes Tab

The Notes tab in an object property sheet contains the sub-tabs Descriptions and Annotations, intended to hold additional information about the object.

  • Descriptions - in general, includes important information that does not fit into the General tab. For example, a description of the Employee entity might read: This entity has one occurrence for each employee in our worldwide operations. This base should grow by 20 percent in 2002.

  • Annotations - contains notes regarding the implementation of a model or the objects it contains. For example, an annotation of the Employee entity might read: Verify list of attributes with Director of Human Resources.

Both are editable directly in the tab with the internal PowerDesigner RTF editor. For information about the tools available, see Text Editor Tools.

You can insert the content of an existing text or RTF file in the RTF editor to use it as a standard for your descriptions or annotations. This can be very helpful to standardize objects notes as you can have a description or annotation RTF file for each object type, and open it when needed.

  1. Open the object's property sheet, click the Notes tab, and select either the Description or Annotation sub-tab.
  2. Click the Editor Menu tool and select Insert, browse to the file you want to insert and click Open.

    The content of the file is displayed in the field.


To see which objects have notes, open the appropriate object list and review the [N]otes checkbox. For information about customizing the display of a list, see Customizing Object List Columns and Filtering Lists.