Text Editor Tools

PowerDesigner provides an internal rich text format (rtf) editor, and supports the use of external text editors.

The following tools are available on the editor toolbar:



Editor Menu [Shift+F11] - Contains the following commands:
  • New [Ctrl+N] - Reinitializes the field by removing all the existing content.
  • Open... [Ctrl+O] - Replaces the content of the field with the content of the selected file.
  • Insert... [Ctrl+I] - Inserts the content of the selected file at the cursor.
  • Save [Ctrl+S] - Saves the content of the field to the specified file.
  • Save As... - Saves the content of the field to a new file.
  • Select All [Ctrl+A] - Selects all the content of the field.
  • Find... [Ctrl+F] - Opens a dialog to search for text in the field.
  • Find Next... [F3] - Finds the next occurence of the searched for text.
  • Find Previous... [Shift+F3] - Finds the previous occurence of the searched for text.
  • Replace... [Ctrl+H] - Opens a dialog to replace text in the field.
  • Go To Line... [Ctrl+G] - Opens a dialog to go to the specified line.
  • Format... [Ctrl+M] - [RTF only] Opens a dialog to specify fonts and styles.
  • Remove All Formats [Ctrl+L] - [RTF only] Removes all formatting from the content of the field.
  • Paragraph... [Ctrl+R] - [RTF only] Opens a dialog to specify paragraph indentation, spacing, and alignment.
  • Tabs... [Ctrl+B] - [RTF only] Opens a dialog to specify tab stop positions and alignment.

Edit With - [RTF only] Opens the content of the field in an external editor. Click the down arrow to select a particular editor or Choose Program to specify a new editor. Editors specified here are added to the list of editors available at Tools > General Options > Editors.

Save [Ctrl+S] - Saves the content of the field to the specified file.

Print [Ctrl+P] - Prints the content of the field.

Find [Ctrl+F] - Opens a dialog to search for text.

Cut [Ctrl+X], Copy [Ctrl+C], and Paste [Ctrl+V] - Perform the standard clipboard actions.

Undo [Ctrl+Z] and Redo [Ctrl+Y] - Move backward or forward through edits.

Format [Ctrl+M] - [RTF only] Opens a dialog to specify fonts and styles.

Bold, Italic, and Underline - [RTF only] Format the selected text.

Align Left, Align Center, and Align Right - [RTF only] Align the selected text.

Bullets - [RTF only] Indent and bullet the selected text.

Note: When editing free text on decorative symbols, use the radio buttons at the bottom of the dialog to switch between