Creating a Repository User

You can create users on the Users and Groups tab.

  1. Click the Users and Groups tab and click on Users on the left of the screen to display the list of users.
  2. Click New, select to create a local or remote user, and enter a login name.
    Note: Remote users and groups are those for whom authentication is delegated to an LDAP server. Note that remote users and groups can be added to local groups, but local users and groups cannot be added to remote groups.
  3. [local users only] Enter a full name, password, email, and description for the user. An email address is required if the user is to receive change notifications.
  4. [optional] Click the Parent Groups tab and add the user to any appropriate groups (see Adding a Member to a Group from the Member's Property Sheet).
  5. [optional] Click the Rights tab and assign the user any appropriate rights (see Granting Rights to Users and Groups).
    Note: When you create a user, make sure you grant him/her access rights on repository documents, either by inserting this user into a group, or directly. If a user connects to the repository without access rights, he cannot see any documents in the browser.
  6. Click Save to create the user and return to the list of users.