You can associate a conversation node with a choreography diagram or with a choreography task in order to model the choreography of the messages that flow through it. Choreography diagrams and tasks associated with a conversation node are initialized with the participants linked to the node.
There are various ways to create the link:
- To associate a choreography diagram with a conversation node from the choreography diagram, right-click the diagram background and select , and then select the appropriate node in the Related node list on the General tab of the diagram property sheet. Any choreography tasks you create in the diagram will be initialized with the participants associated with the node.
- To associate a choreography task with a conversation node from the task property sheet, select the appropriate node in the Related node list on the General tab of the task property sheet. The task participants will be set to the participants associated with the node.
- To associate a conversation node with an existing choreography diagram from the conversation node symbol, right-click the symbol and select . Alternately, you can create a new choreography diagram from a conversation node, by selecting . In both cases, to complete the link, you must open the choreography diagram property sheet and select the node in the Related node list. Any choreography tasks you create in the diagram will be initialized with the participants associated with the node.