Generating JavaServer Faces (JSF) for Hibernate

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a UI framework for Java Web applications. It is designed to significantly ease the burden of writing and maintaining applications that run on a Java application server and render their UIs back to a target client.

PowerDesigner supports JSF through an extension file that provides JSF extended attributes, model checks, JSP templates, invoker-managed bean templates, and face-configure templates for your Java OOM.

You can quickly build Web applications without writing repetitive code, by using PowerDesigner to automatically generate persistent classes, DAO, managed beans, page navigation and JSF pages according to your Hibernate or EJB3.0 persistent framework.

To enable the JSF extensions in your model, select Model > Extensions, click the Import tool, select the JavaServer Faces (JSF) file on the User Interface tab), and click OK to attach it.


Since JSF uses Data Access Objects (DAO) to access data from the database, you will need also to add a persistence management extension such as Hibernate in order to generate JSF.

JSF generation can help you to test persistent objects using Web pages with your own data and can also help you to generate default JSF Web application. You can use an IDE to improve the generated JSF pages or change the layout.